Project will open eyes to rich slice of the past 3 Feb, 2021 10:35 PM 4 minutes to read HB Regional Council chairman Rex Graham, Ngā Ara Tīpuna project team member Brian Morris and CHB Mayor Alex Walker at 2019's Provincial Growth Fund announcement atop Pukekaihau. HB Regional Council chairman Rex Graham, Ngā Ara Tīpuna project team member Brian Morris and CHB Mayor Alex Walker at 2019's Provincial Growth Fund announcement atop Pukekaihau. CHB Mail In partnershipNgā Ara Tīpuna is a partnership between Tamatea Hapū, Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea and Central Hawke's Bay District Council. The project team includes Dr Roger Maaka, Brian Morris, Phillip Morris, Tipene Heperi, Jo Heperi, JB Conrad Nepe-Apatu and Kauri Te Atua-Kirikiri, and from the CHB District Council Doug Tait and Craig Ireson. A governance entity will be established to have ultimate ownership of the assets once they are created.