PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGULAR COMMON COUNCIL MEETING SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN Wednesday, April 6, 2022 The Regular Meeting of the Common Council was called to order by Mayor Jim Paine at 6:30 p.m. in the Government Center, Board Room 201. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL Present: Nick Ledin, Jenny Van Sickle, Warren Bender, Brent Fennessey, Tylor Elm, Ruth Ludwig, Lindsey Graskey – 7 Absent: Jack Sweeney, Rob Pierce, Keith Kern – 3 Also Present: Mayor Paine, City Attorney Prell, City Clerk Ramos 3. PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS 3.1 PUBLIC HEARING to request comments on the 2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4.1 March 15, 2022 - Regular Council Meeting MOTION to approve by Councilor Bender, seconded by Councilor Elm, and carried. 5. CORRESPONDENCE TO BE FILED (No action) 6.MAYOR’S REPORT 6.1 Report from Mayor Paine 6.2 Committee Appointment Recommendation(s) MAYOR’S COMMISSION ON COMMUNITIES OF COLOR: 1. Appoint Louren Yzaguirre for a 3-year term, expiring April 2025. MOTION to approve by Councilor Bender, seconded by Councilor Graskey, and carried. PLAN COMMISSION: 1. Appoint Garner Moffat for a three (3) year term, expiring April 2025. Mayor Paine withdrew the appointment. 7.STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1 Human Resources Committee (Meeting held March 21, 2022) Report from Councilor Ludwig. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.Approve request to reinstate and fill the Assistant Fire Chief Position and subsequent vacancies. MOTION to approve by Councilor Ludwig, seconded by Councilor Van Sickle, and carried. 7.2 Public Works Committee (No meeting to report) 7.3 Finance Committee (Meeting held March 10, 2022) Report from Councilor Elm. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Approve maintaining the current gate rate, and adjusting it based on consumer price index (CPI) annually in July in line with the WLSSD contract rate. MOTION to approve by Councilor Elm, seconded by Councilor Ledin, and carried. 7.4 Licenses and Fees Committee (Meeting held March 14, 2022) Report from Councilor Fennessey. 7.5 Public Safety Committee (No meeting to report) 7.6 Committee of the Whole Meeting (No meeting to report) 8.SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS 8.1REPORTS WITH RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1.1 Parks & Recreation Commission (Meetings held March 17, 2022 and March 24, 2022) Report from Councilor Ledin. RECOMMENDATIONS from March 24th meeting: 1. Approve the 2022 Recreational Grants 2. Approve the 5-Year CIP Projects, and have the Osaugie Trail Paving project to include the width of the trail from 39th Avenue East to 44th Avenue East. 3. Approve the Ballfield Adult League Rates. 4. Approve adding Heritage, Center City and Bear Creek parks on the Solar Block Program Accounts to offset their electric costs. 5 Approve continuing to test water quality at Barker’s Island Swimming Beach and begin monitoring water quality at the old Billings Park beach area. MOTION to approve by Councilor Ledin, seconded by Councilor Bender, and carried. 8.1.2 Plan Commission (Meeting held March 16, 2022) Report from Mayor Paine. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Approve of R22-13594, a resolution setting a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on the 17th day of May, 2022, in the Government Center Board Room 201, after determining it to be in the public interest to vacate and discontinue part of Granger Avenue (also known as 33rd Ave East). MOTION to approve by Councilor Graskey, seconded by Councilor Bender, and carried. 2. Approve waiving the land sale process and approve Bigfork Valley Log Homes & Cabin LLC’s application to the Vacant to Value: New Construction program for 4XX Cumming Avenue (V2VNC 22-03). 3. Approve waiving the land sale process and approve Bigfork Valley Log Homes & Cabin LLC’s application to the Vacant to Value: New Construction program for 1017 Fisher Avenue (V2VNC 22-04). 4. Approve waiving the land sale process and approve Bigfork Valley Log Homes & Cabin LLC’s application to the Vacant to Value: New Construction program for 2640 John Avenue (V2VNC 22-05). 5. Approve waiving the land sale process and approve Bigfork Valley Log Homes & Cabin LLC’s application to the Vacant to Value: New Construction program for 16XX Iowa Avenue (V2VNC 22-06). 6. Approve waiving the land sale process and approve Bigfork Valley Log Homes & Cabin LLC’s application to the Vacant to Value: New Construction program for 2920 North 21st Street (V2VNC 22-07). 7. Approve waiving the land sale process and approve Bigfork Valley Log Homes & Cabin LLC’s application to the Vacant to Value: New Construction program for 18XX East 5111 Street (V2VNC 22-08). MOTION to approve the Vacant to Value applications (recommendations 2-7) by Councilor Bender, seconded by Councilor Fennessey. MOTION to postpone until April 19, 2020 Regular Council meeting by Councilor Ledin, seconded by Councilor Fennessey, and carried. 8. Approve a Small Business Grant application and development agreement for Julie’s Family Restaurant (SBGP22-01). MOTION to approve by Councilor Fennessey, seconded by Councilor Bender, and carried. 9. Approve a Small Business Grant application and development agreement for Blondie’s Salon (SBGP22-02). MOTION to approve by Councilor Fennessey, seconded by Councilor Ludwig, and carried. 10. Approve a Small Business Grant application and development agreement for Nick Korhonen Agency, LLC (SBGP22-03). MOTION to approve by Councilor Elm, seconded by Councilor Fennessey, and carried. 8.2 REPORTS SANS RECOMMENDATIONS 8.2.1 Liability Claims Committee (Meeting held December 29, 2021) 8.2.2 Historic Preservation Committee (Meeting held March 9, 2022) No report from the Chair. 8.2.3 Tourism Development Commission (Meetings held March 10, 2022) No report from the Chair. 8.2.4 Mayor’s Commission on Communities of Color (Meeting held March 14, 2022) No report from the Chair. 8.2.5 Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities (Meeting held March 21, 2022) No report from the Chair. 8.2.6 Wisconsin Point Committee (Meeting held March 22, 2022) No report from the Chair. 8.2.7 Human Trafficking Task Force Commission (Meeting held March 25, 2022) No report from the Chair. 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS 10.1 CITY CLERK RAMOS recommending approval of miscellaneous licenses. MOTION to approve by Councilor Ludwig, seconded by Councilor Bender, and carried. 10.2 PLANNING & PORT DIRECTOR SERCK recommending approval to draft a deed from the City of Superior to NWCSA, Inc. for the purchase of the building located at 1118 Tower Avenue, to meet the National Objectives of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. MOTION to approve by Councilor Bender, seconded by Councilor Elm, and carried. 10.3 CITY CLERK RAMOS recommending approval of a Temporary Class “B” License for The Douglas County Historical Society (President Becky Scherf, 1628 Hughitt Avenue, Superior, Wisconsin 54880) for Fashion Through the Ages, which will be held at 1101 John Avenue on April 23, 2022. MOTION to approve by Councilor Bender, seconded by Councilor Elm, and carried. 10.4 PLANNING & PORT DIRECTOR SERCK recommending approving a request from the William E. Stack and Nairi G. Stack Revocable Trust to retain and make permanent an Easement on and adjacent to an alley located contiguous to 2222 East 5th Street. MOTION to approve by Councilor Bender, seconded by Councilor Fennessey, and carried. 11. BUSINESS BY PUBLIC Upon request from Councilor Bender, Mayor Paine spoke about the disposition of vacant properties throughout the city. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Camila Ramos, City Clerk Superior, Wisconsin (April 15, 2022) WNAXLP 52352

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Billings Park , Wisconsin , United States , Wisconsin Point , City Of Superior , Bear Creek , Brent Fennessey , Jim Paine , Camila Ramos , Becky Scherf , Tylor Elm , Warren Bender , Ruth Ludwig , Keith Kern , Louren Yzaguirre , Lindsey Graskey , Jack Sweeney , Parks Recreation Commission Meetings , Human Resources Committee Meeting , Bigfork Valley Log Homes Cabin , Commission On Disabilities Meeting , Government Center , Committee Of The Whole Meeting No , Nairig Stack Revocable , Liability Claims Committee Meeting , Council Meeting , Historic Preservation Committee Meeting , Center City , Solar Block Program , Douglas County Historical Society , Tourism Development Commission Meetings , Plan Commission Meeting , Government Center Board Room , Committee Meeting , Public Safety Committee No , Fees Committee Meeting , Nwcsa Inc , Public Works Committee No , Nick Korhonen Agency , Human Trafficking Task Force Commission Meeting , Commission On Communities Of Color Meeting , Committee Appointment Recommendation , Ballfield Adult League , National Objectives Of The Department Housing , Meeting Of The Common Council , Wisconsin Point Committee Meeting , Regular Meeting , Common Council , Mayor Jim Paine , Board Room , Nick Ledin , Jenny Van Sickle , Rob Pierce , Mayor Paine , City Attorney Prell , City Clerk Ramos , Annual Performance , Evaluation Report , Councilor Bender , Councilor Elm , Appointment Recommendation , Councilor Graskey , Garner Moffat , Resources Committee , Assistant Fire Chief Position , Councilor Ludwig , Councilor Van Sickle , Works Committee , Councilor Ledin , Fees Committee , Safety Committee , Whole Meeting , Recreation Commission , Osaugie Trail Paving , Avenue East , Solar Block Program Accounts , Island Swimming Beach , Granger Avenue , Dave East , Bigfork Valley Log Homes , New Construction , Councilor Fennessey , Small Business Grant , Family Restaurant , Claims Committee , Preservation Committee , Development Commission , Point Committee , Trafficking Task Force Commission , National Objectives , Temporary Class , President Becky Scherf , Fashion Through , Revocable Trust , City Clerk Superior ,

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