Probiotic Symbiotic Bacteria Could Improve Coral Resilience Written by AZoCleantechFeb 24 2021 The use of a blend of beneficial bacteria is a simple yet robust concept to enhance the health of corals. This approach is being examined as part of worldwide scientific measures to boost the strength of corals, making them more stress-resistant and more likely to endure bleaching events linked with climate change. Cutting-edge research at KAUST is exploring the use of probiotic symbiotic bacteria to improve the growth and resilience of corals in the face of climate change. Image Credit: 2021 Morgan Bennett Smith. Corals depend on algal and bacterial symbionts for energy (via photosynthesis), toxin regulation, nutrients, and safety against attacks by pathogens. This complicated and intricately balanced relationship forms the basis of holobiont and coral reef health.