Place for displaced palestinians and this edition of spotlight we will be discussing the dire situation in the besicht coastal strip and israels true intentions in continuing the war. Our guests in this edition are masud chajadi chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission joining us live from london. And also sab shath, author of west asia and an expert joining us live from belfast. Thank you very much to both of you gentlemen, lets begin with mr. Masud shajare. Mr. Shajare, we have just heard that netanyahu has approved uh attacking rafa. Now this is a city that from the very beginning was deemed to be safe place for displaced palace. Palestinians, that is according to israeli sources themselves. Why is this happening now at this point in time when hamas is putting forth a ceasefire deal, a prisoner swap deal, and is looking for ways to end the war . Well, its very clear that israel, its this uh zinist state from the outset was set to exclude. Palestinians from that land uh ethnic cleanse them and by any means possible and grab as much land as of possible, but this particular government in particular, it it actually been committed to ethnic cleansing and genocide long before 7th of october, to the extent that there has been even conflict internally in this. Regime, because of this policy, this particular government is committed to that, so will use any possible avenue, any possible opportunity to kill as many palestinian, kill as many children, kill as many women, and in their eyes, the children of gaza are the future palestinians and they need to be eradicated, they. Need to be killed, and this is why the policy since the 7th of october, which has been unleashed, it shows very clearly that they are targeting innocent civilians with the brutality, without any mercy in front of tv cameras and while the International Community is watching and at wars, united state and western allies are equipping. And this zinist state to kill most effectively, most brutally and most systematically. Um, this is not what is happening right now, the fact that netanyahu wants to use this opportunity to kill as many people, innocent people, as many palestinian and ethnically cleansed and the gaza, its not a surprise, and its not a new policy, its. Their policy and they are pursuing it important. So openly and so publicly and i think we need to wake up to this reality, otherwise otherwise this is going to go on and on and you know International Community is just of doing nothing and and wishing for a change of policy which is not going to happen without enough pressure being put on designer state. Well, mr. Shajar, you raised some very issues right there, but i would like to rewind what you said and go back to a part which is very important, you said all of this of is happening in front of tv cameras and the International Community is. Watching, so lets bring in our guest from belfast, mr. Mr. Shath, im not sure if im pronouncing your name correctly, i hope that i do, but uh, israel is committing war crimes, uh, crimes that have been defined by International Law as war crimes. Israel has completely neglected what is known to be as the Geneva Convention uh or uh what the icrc itself claims to be rules for war. Uh, so what do you think the intention of israel is by so openly neglecting everything that um modern human beings uh believe to be the pillars of the modern society . Let me just grasp the last statement you said this modern Civilized Society which you talking about its all faith and and hypocrisy it was it used to be used just by the west. When they want to intimidate a country or impose sanction or just get their interest through and the International Law and International Community and International Organizations being formed after the Second World War like the United Nation and these bodies and geneva Even Convention and the special the fourth article of it and that its all approven gaza is approved all of that was fake and it was just hypocrisy sense. The United States of america, as they claim the leaders of the free world, which means the western cam, they they themselves who showed us in gaza, they they said they pretend with this zinus entity as their outpost military post in there, and i want to say its their Banana Republic in the middle, in the middle of west asia, which is the the designist try to deny that. Like bengaver when said we are not a Banana Republic to this to the americans, there are a Banana Republic in there and they without the support of the United States, without the money, without the funding, without the arms, they will be disappear in weeks and this is one point, the United States of america who can open the the the land roots from brafa or kar salim to bring the miles upon mile. From aid waiting in the borders of rafa can do it with one for call to order not to ask netanyahu and they would obey because they know without the United States of america they they cant but biden said there is no red line when he was talking about for netanyahu for the israelies means they can do whatever they want and the United States of america can can ask pretend like they care for the palestinians once they start the this air drops of aid which is landed in tub of people and killed seven at some stage, the United States of america drop few parcels of aid on gaza on this hand and in the other hand tons upon tons of ammunition going to the the ziist entity supplying it, the same goes for the british, for the germans, for the french, for australia for canada, all this western camps is becoming disgusting. Because they are involved in, they are complicit in genocide now, if we can hear the the rulings of the International Court about asking israel to follow one, two three steps and some and provide this report and as well to take steps not to put the palestinians lives in harm way and to allow the the aid in and telling the governments who supply this zinis entity. With lot of with cash and with the ammunition and with that are complicit with it, this is a clear, but none listen since thesin entity, they they think they are shield and by this western diplomatic shield or from any organization to impose it anything, we witness the United States of america use three vetos against the seas fire in gaza to save the the people in gaza, they they can 30 the children in gaza mail nutrition now and lot of them dying from hunger and starvation and we can see the roundabout of the kuwaiti kuwaiti roundabout in in western gaza become the call nickname the flower massacers since people go gather there waiting for any trucks to get them any kind of ed or flower to get to their starving children they risk their life and lot of them knows they can go there and not coming back. Since, but they have to do something for their kids and this is all done at the watch the racist of america, exactly, its all happening under the watch of the us, and also mr. That uh the us also did some uh kind of what i would like to call a propaganda move to send some a that at best can be described as drop in the bucket uh something that could only uh make some headlines for just few days uh sending some kind of uh meger amount of aid to gaza while it is supporting israel by sending tons of weapons all kinds of weapons that israel needs. Let alone as our guest in belfast just mentioned, all the support that uh it gives to the zionist entity in the United Nations by vetoing any attempt for a ceasefire . It really is outrageous, it is outrageous that this uh level of killing and brutality it goes on, its outrageous that um. No attempt is being made to stop it, and indeed there is veto taking place to make sure that it will not stop, there is a political cover for um this zinius state by United States and its western allies to make sure that the killing will continue with its brutality and with its totality, and indeed. Arms are being poured in um free of charge, theyre not even being, theyre not even being sold to kill innocent people, Everybody Knows whats going on, and indeed let us not forget that the corridor for aid to go into israel, to go to this zinanis state and feed not just the penis but feed the war machine. Is going through saudi arabia, emirate and and jordan, and you know oil is going through turkey, this is outrageous, its outrageous because its happening in front of the world population, we are seeing it day in, day out, im sick and tired of actually seeing this, im sick and tired of seeing myself and my family crying their eyes out in this. Month of ramadan for human beings being treated in that way and at the same time united state claim to be champion of democracy, champion of human right, champion of uh of the standing for the weak ones around the world, and this is outrageous, it has to stop, where is the democracy . 70 to 80 of western nations population. Is asking for cease fire now, right now, and you know these, these criminals who are in power, beat in britain, france, germany or united state, are indeed ignoring their own people, and then they claim that this is democracy. I i think what is now is very clear that all the institutions that be been set up to stop uh these sort of brutal war crimes, be at united state, International Courts and so forth, are not fit for purpose, and we need to bring a change, and we need to bring a change not just in these international institutions, but citizens in britain, france, germany and United States need to ask themselves, do they want this direction of going towards sort of jungle . Of jungle, people killing each other and being allowed to commit genocide in such open way, or they are responsible to bring an end to it, and they will put more effort. Already, take my hat out to people in britain, france, germany and others who are coming out in demonstrations day in day out, but it needs to go far beyond demonstrations, we need to sort of say, enough is. Enough and i think we need to demand that there has to be some justice uh prevailing at this 11th hour. Youre absolutely right, mr. Shajara, and these grassroots campaigns have proven to be successful in inflicting heavy losses on corporations that support israel. Weve had mcdonalds and also starbucks announcing heavy losses. So, mr. Shath, could you please . Uh tell us, in your opinion, could the same grassroot campaigns puts the same amount of pressure on their governments who are clearly against their peoples will. Are still supporting israel . I just came today from a massive demonstration in belfast. I addressed it in front of the american councilate and the people are outraged and the outraged at their own local politicians and in in ireland they are outraged at the irish Prime Minister and irish leaders of the biggest Political Parties going in saint patrick. Day which is the Irish National day to hand the shamrock to joe biden and they say you know like you dont go and shake hands with genocidal joe uh and the the the people are discusted with the with with their leadership with their Political Parties oven trying to implicit their Political Parties in supporting genocide by going and sitting with joe biden that limit, its its its a massive call for them to to turn away from doing that, but tomorrow the whole thing will be, so i dont think the the United States of america, even in the the congress the they issued bill for banning or taking over took, because they think it is lot of the youngs are getting their news from there, not from the mainstream. Media uh because of palestine, because of the whats going on in palestine, they they want only the lies comes from the fox news or cnn or bbc to trickle to the people, they want to control them and make them ship people, they dont understand the people are educated and they can think and make decision for themselves, they do want to keep bombarding them with lies since study. Says there is 80 of the people who read the news, they dont go to find out was it right or wrong to analyze, so they depend on that, and there is Huge Industry in thesign entity in fake news and telling lies, since that entity itself was based on lies, lie, religious lies, national lies, ethnic groups lies, everything about that entity and its leaderships, designist entity is like and the United States of america, i want to say to my friend, which pretending the leader the free world and supposed to defend the as you said, mr. Shajar, the week, they are not, and you know, and i know, they the one who committed genocide after genocide in vietnam, they the one who killed the the the first nation in in america, they they inhalated them, they the one who destroy a lot of countries in latin america. They the one who killed nearly two million irakies in iraq under couple of lies which is weapons of mass destruction and stuff like that and is still stagnating the iraqi economy and looting everything in there, they the one who went in syria under the cover of the want to fight daesh with they created and they looting the oil and the gas from syria and destroying the country, they the one who want to make sure the z entity destroy gaza. And crying to netanyahu like the killing them softly, gently as uh biden said, its disgusting, and its about time, i agree with you brother, the new order supposed to be emerging and learning, because gaza expos them all, so mr. Shajar, in your opinion, how much power do these grassroots campaigns have, and can they put enough pressure on the governments, or lets say how far would these governments dare to go . Well, i think i think what very clear that these governments they have now morality, morally bankrupt, ideologically bankrupt, and you know when it comes to law and order their bankrupt, but never before until now they were exposed the way that they are exposed now, its true what happened in vietnam, is true all the things that brother is is highlighting, but its really just now that masses in west are waking up to these realities, and i think this is the beginning the end of the influence of these politicians, these politicians have to be punished when it comes to the election, they dont fear anything else, they have no morality, theyve got no common sense or. They need to be punished on the ballot on the ballot paper and and indeed i think thats going to happen and indeed i think this what we are. Seeing this mass awakening that we are seeing right across western world b united state, france, germany etc. Etc. Despite the fact that they are using sort of dictatorial policies to stop these demonstrations, to legislate to stop these demonstration and to stop the voice of those who are standing up for justice and saying never again. But nevertheless is growing, its growing by minute, its growing by day, its growing every month, and so i would my my response to your question is that this is not the end, but this is the beginning of the end of this sort of politics being used to con, not just people in western asia and around the world, but cunning their own citizens and and this awakening is. Is going to matter and his strength is becoming more uh powerful day by day. Youre absolutely right, mr. Shajar and just as mr. Shath just mentioned, he has come uh back from a mass demonstration in ireland, we have been seeing pro palestine demonstrations in countries that we would never imagine, and mr. Shath, in your opinion, uh, how far do you think these demonstrations can go, and we also live. In the day and age of social media, so how do you think social media can also uh increase solidarity with uh the palestinians and in order to bring a change . In in ireland its there is similarities because they suffer colonial and they suffer the same thing, so there is a connection in the struggle, but as well social media influencing big time since the people get their news straight from the source, they sometimes it even in arabic from someone whos been his house or her house attack and they see the images and they see the starvation and they see the effect of it and they cannot see any of that being even displayed on their own Mainstream Media and one of the other things in here which is been witnessing since from last november till now the respect these demonstration showing for the lebanese resistant and mainly for the yemani uh resistant, its amazing to see that and see how the people are proud to see there is Noble Movement like the yemenies and the lebanese resistant or the iraqi resistant coming to support the palestinians as they they compare that to what che givara done in the late 60s in in africa in supporting the african against the upper tide and trying to fight so there is a movement growing to dismantle one of the slogans, they saying you have to dismantle this zist entity out of and take it out of this region a lot of the youngsters, jewish even voices start to say in that as well, so this is become a Grassroot Movement which will influence everything, and the first result you can see of that, the election of the honorable george gallway as member of the parliament in britain, its. He came to the platform on as for gaza and was elected for that and this movement will become bigger and bigger and bigger and it will change a lot of the ruling elite, you not going to see their faces again in offices, i hope so. And in order to wrap this up, mr. Shajade, uh, are you hopeful to see this kind of change that mr. Shath just mentioned, particularly with George Gallow