Reportedly at odds over israels rafa offensive with netanyahu threatening to go ahead with it, with biden saying that is the us red line, and all of this happening while the Israeli Regime is killing palestinians with us made bombs, since the us says israel has the right to defend itself. All of these angles and lot more coming up in this edition of the spotlight. First let me introduce our guests. Alberto garcia watson, political analyst and activist joins us. From malaga, spain. Also joining us is eve zangler, author and political activist who joins from montreal. Welcome, gentlemen, Alberto Watson, let me first start with you, the issue of aid uh, we know that is very contentious topic, were looking at one that has gone from hypocrisy uh even um being so illogical that some are saying that thats just plain stupidity. The way that the approaches are being made, we can talk about how the us has said it will take 60 days for this gaza port to be built, while there are eight trucks that are waiting at the border crossings and the un has come out and said but the best way to deliver aid is through the land, yet the us also has opted to drop food parcels from the air, why are we looking at this issue the way that its being put out there from the us and also i should say the eu. But actually the western perspective is absolutely ridiculous in this case, we have hundreds of lories and trucks waiting outside the rafa border and the egyptian side ready to bring aid, food, medicines, water and and everything needed for a catastrophic situation that at least 567 people that are on the erge of a starvation are suffering and and and the gas are strip, the fact youre throwing with parachutes food just few thousand meals per day, that is not going to help anything at all when were talking about 2. 3 Million People waiting for food, and the building of a port, a port, how ridiculous is that to wait two more months, its going to be nobody left by the time that they finish building the port, when actually the port is not there to bring humanitarian. Is actually and most probably for the exploitation of the gas that has been found in the coast of gaza, 1. 4 trillion cubic meters of gas that the israel and the americans are going to exploit stilling away from the gas, so this is absolutely and ridiculous excuse of building a port that its going to take two months to bring humanitarian aid when thousands and thousands of tons of food are waiting just meters away in the uh gaza border with with egypt all right so lets dive into this a little bit deeper uh so im the us president for example right and you have a report in front of you given by the pentagon that states it will take 60 days for this port to be built theres another report thats staring the us president in the face uh that has come out from the un saying that theres 700 thous gazans that are dying in the north of the gaza strip, these are people who are starving and theyre fighting for their life. When you look at the timeline versus that, and then making that announcement, knowing all the other options that are out there, what is that say . Well, it says the American Government doesnt care about the 700 thousand palestinians that are starving, but we knew that, they dont care about the people that israels been slaughtering, this. Is a think a Public Relations exercise of course, and if the us decided to put some pressure on israel to demand israel start letting trucks. Into gaza uh that could happen uh quite quickly and uh they dont want to do that, they they want to make a big uh Public Relations exercise that they are trying to do something about the starvation um while not really doing anything about the starvation. Taking a look at the uh uh another perhaps implication of this uh i dont for you what you think about it Alberto Watson and that is the fact that if the us says it takes too much for this gaza port to be built, do you think that that maybe is a by design that maybe the us, along with israel, obviously want this 60 days to be out there in order for israel to achieve any of its military objectives, which one of them, which it has not been able to do is to defeat the hamas fighters. Absolutely, two months is, but actually is a time that uh israel needs supposedly to get rid of exterminate the hamas movement. In the gaza strip and thats absolutely ridiculous uh, the situation cannot wait two months, the situation cannot wait two weeks, were talking about hundreds of thousands of gaza uh people that are actually in the verge of dying of stalvation, and those that are not dying by salvation, theyre dying by the bombs thrown, the american bombs thrown by the Israeli Forces or diseases because there no. Hospitals that are working at this point, because israel makes sure that the majority of the hospitals were bombed just like the schools, the universities, every single structure, every single single critical structure, israel has bombed, and over the okay of the United States, the United States is just making time, its prolonging two more months, but actually the whole world is demanding and as a permanent, immediate seasfire, two months to build a port when we have, as i said before. For hundreds of thousands of tons of food, aid of all types and medicines, just few meters away, it just shows that the coordination between israel and the United States is stronger than ever. Well, you have this intel report that came out of if you heard about it, its a us one, just days ago, it was released, and one of the things that it talked about was hamas and it is said israel will probably face a lingering armed resistance from hamas for years to come and. The Israeli Military will struggle to neutralize hamasas underground infrastructure, allowing insurgents, they call them insurgents, we call them fighters, to hide, regain strength and surprise israely forces. Given this intel report and given this harsh reality and slap in the face of israel, do you think that uh then what what aims does israel have to continue uh this aggression on the gaza strip . First of all, do you agree with what this report has revealed . Oh, i, i mean, i think that thats the report is is absolutely correct, and i would, i would extend it out further, so long as israel uh, imposes a system of apartide, of occupation, of violence against palestinians, theres going to be some form of armed resistance, of course there is, they know that, uh, that is the history of uh, of colonialism, um, maybe israel could wipe out palestinians so successful. Uh that that you know there wasnt resistance, but even i mean thats you know hard to imagine they could drive them to lebanon, they could drive jordan, theyll probably still be resistance, so long as they impose this brutal colonial system that theres going to be a form of resistance, now more concretely in gaza or specifically about hamas, thats also the case, i mean this is a this is a uh gorilla warfare uh and the population uh in gaza. Does not like the brutal uh uh occupier that is you know slaughtered more than 30,000 that expelled most of them uh uh 70 some years ago, thats why theyre in the gaza strip because they were driven from their homes within uh parts of what is now current day israel um and so so this is this is a reality the israely government knows this, their rhetoric about defeating hamas is is never been something that i believe that the. Certainly the leadership of the Israeli Military took seriously, they knew this was going to continue uh, that they werent going to be suc successful on that, and in fact i i think its in large part just the cover for uh justifying the you know genocide, and and thats what were i think seeing with rafa is that this whole rhetoric about israel, needing to go defeat the last remnance of hamas and raffa and and whatnot is just of course uh part of a desire to drop. As many palestinians out to drive them into egyptever. Now does israel have the means . Mean israel clearly we see within israeli public. Um, the support for this genocidal uh, quite frankly, i dont even want to use the word genocide anymore, more use the word holocaust, that israels uh starvation and mass slaughter policy in gaza, the israeli public seems pretty on board, um, they might not be totally supportive of benjamin netanyahu, but they seem pretty on board with these policies, so um, how do we uh reign in this this Nuclear Armed uh uh country um and the obvious ways of reigning it in, are that the us stops providing the bombs uh that countries like canada which where where i live which has ramped up arms deliveries to israel since uh this Slaughter Campaign uh that it stopped that uh that it you know at least Start Talking about whats going on in the proper language start referring to it as a genocide uh stop enabling all these kind of policies and so so long as theres this backing principally from the us but also from the other anglosphere and nato countries right uh issue has the means . Sure. Well, i think the the publications that are out there whether websites uh or what have you are picking up on this and are really covering it, i think. Um, Alberto Watson, for example, headlines reading, providing both bombs and food, bidon puts himself in the middle of gazas war, they call it a war, we call it an onslot. Uh, and another one that says more than 100 people were killed and hundreds more were injured last month after a crowd gathered around the convoy, stating you cant have a policy of giving aid. And giving israel the weapons to bomb the food trucks and kill the palestinians who have gathered around it at the same time, so what is the thinking of the us, or should i say the strategy . What is it doing . Is this all to put it out there and have the audience figure it out . Well, biden knows that hes got elections on the 5th of november, he has to attract the uh vote of those people that voted for him in the past. That are states like michigan and others uh with total of over 300 thousand people that have in the primary is voted and uncommitted vote which represents a big amount, actually uh uh very very High Percentage of the votes that actually if we have this elections that are going to be quite tight between donald trump and joe biden hes gonna need so most probably hes been trying. To attract back this uh votes from this say arabs and uh muslims and young the base of the Democrat Party that is now quite far away politically and ideologically from joe biden so yes it is it sounds absurd were going to help we gna bring food were going to bring construct a port to bring the humanitarian aid but at the same time all the people getting killed in gaza that dozens of thousands of civilians, mostly children and women, are killed with american weapons, so you cannot provide weapons and at the same time intend and pretend to be uh to actually care for this population when actually you providing everything needed to provoke uh what it was actually mentioned before, not just a genocide but a holocaust as a colleague in montreal said, and its actually true the. This is its absurd, its cynical and and and is ironic that you try to uh, so you pretend that youre interested or you are very, very careful of the situation and concern about the the situation of all the thousands of people dying and more that are going to die, it was a un report a couple of months ago saying that in the situation continuous like this, this was at the end of december, we will have actually more people dying salvation and diseases than those that are killed by the bombs that the United States give israel, so situation is dramatic and United States could stop it and they can stop it very very fast, but they dont have an interest, they are as interested as the israelis in keeping on, theyre never going to finish with hamas, theyre actually the biggest factory of resistance ever existing of israel, because every Single Member of the Palestinian Resistance. Youre going to find 10 more members in the next few years, all those children that will survive are traumatized for life and they will fight back. All right, um, were going to get into a stat on the children which uh uh the unra gave out which is very startling, but on the us support for israel were kind of seeing this spat between bb netanya unjamin netanyahu and the us president uh joe byan uh come out in the open now uh based on what were looking at eve zengler and the most. Recent indication of that is what uh you have had this very popular and stand supporter of the Israeli Cabinet in particular. Netanyahu, and that came from Chuck Schumer. Chuck schumer has come out and said that uh, he believes, and im quoting him a new election is the only way to allow for healthy and open Decision Making process about the future of israel. Now hes the highest ranking jewish politician in the us. First of all, whats your reaction to him calling for new elections . And by the way, that did come out and one way or another in that us intel report that we just mentioned few minutes ago. Yeah, i think that they they dont like um some of the ways that net yahoo is uh uh managing some of this, i i dont, i think that the broad, the us is supportive of the broad outlines of what israels doing in gaza, but but there are uh, they i dont think they like the optics of uh ben gadvir, smaldich, uh, some of the hardline factions, extremist factions. In the netanyahu government and uh benny gance would be a preferable face uh and he probably be a little bit more um uh compliant with what us how us would want to lead this um now then but uh biden has also said that hes not while while he thinks that netanyahu is doing things that are against israels interests hes not gonna stop um and that he doesnt want them to go into rafa hes not gna stop the weapons delivery, so so its quite a contradictory position uh how biden is said that publicly. Um, i think they i think they would like, they know that the israeli public doesnt really Like Netanyahu anymore and that that elections would probably serve uh us interests, so you would have a new government thats more uh, better kind of optics and and is is um you know willing to be a bit more compliant with the us and i think they so they want they would like to see netanyahu go and i think that probably is what schumer, i im a critic of uh of us coup policies and us interference around the world uh and us of course has overthrown governments in dozens and dozens of countries um in this case i im uh i i sort of i dont like the idea of the u. S. Interfering uh because thats usually a bad thing but in this case if they interfere and make slightly less bad um uh regime in place, maybe that will be uh for the better uh, maybe the the starvation policy wont be as as uh horrendous um, but this is mostly about managing the um the sort of a pro israel policy of of how to uh whats the better optics and whats the you know theres some things that they go a little too far for for washing is liking, well we know that this unshakable bond between. To is never going to go away based on what weve seen for the past decades obviously Alberto Watson, but what was reported first was that biden and netanyahu uh have this rift, its on public display uh headlines reading that uh bb is hurting israel more than helping it, something that uh the us President Joe Biden had said um and that they were a collision course and now you have Chuck Schumer uh coming out and hes the leader of the us senate who has said uh that you know theres got to be new elections, not only that, theres also indications from him based on the statements he made uh that uh the question of the aid for the defense of israel and the even the un uh assistance that us gives israel and restrictions on the use of us weapons by the iof forces is something that needs to be looked at based on what Chuck Schumer has said so we looking at this again the leveled against netanyahu for this to go to the way where they want netanyahu. And will that actually become a reality you think . They want netanyahu out. Netanyahu is not wanted in the United States, but hes not wanted in israel either. So situation is that for the palestinians were not changed much, because when when there wasid or sharon and shimon perez, it never stopped, even jisak rabin, the great jisak. The signed the osaw accords when he was minister of defense during the first cifada, he created this doctrine of breaking the bones of the little children that were throwing stones, so its its whoever you put there is is actually gonna react in the same way towards the palestinian certainly cleansing and kill as many as you can, but the thing with Benhamin Netanyahu is that with his cabinet of extremis and fascists that he surrounded with, looks like we may have lost Alberto Watson. All right, eve zangler, let me come out you. Alberto watson, we just lost you there at the end, if you can repeat the end of your statement there. I was mentioning that its not much of a difference if you have a jayid ortali benet or if you have sharon all of them are war criminals but the way that this new cabinet uh with behamin netanyahu and smotrich and and bengivier and his big bunch of fascists supremacists that are in the government give a real bad name for the United States and for the western world in general uh this is the very very first time that israel is brought in front of a International Tribunal of of justice and this supporting israel at this moment for the United States is something really terrible to do, they do it for their interests obviously, but what do they will do whatever it takes to get rid of benhami netanjahu and put someone like they have done so many times hundreds of times si