Transcripts For PRESSTV Iran 20240704 :

PRESSTV Iran July 4, 2024

His fathers second leg, so the son took it and buried it in another cemetery. The father later died due to those injuries, so the son buried him for the third time. Can you imagine that a person can be buried in three phases . Where does that happen . All of that take place amit the worlds silence. Mean, the entire world, including human rights organizations and the united nations, all their meetings are fruitless. Thats because israel is the spoiled. Son of the united states, israel is the uss dirty tool in the region, so we fight for the sake of our dignity, and in order to restore our land, no matter the price that we pay, that will remain little compared to the restoration of our dignity and the preservation of our land and sanctities. God willing, we will move forward on the path until the end. Well, earlier this month. The Human Rights Group that cited shocking testimonies from recently freed detainees, including the israeli military, inviting settlers to watch the gory torture of palestinians. On the other hand, we saw how israeli captive spoke highly of their capters. I mean, what does this say about the two sides . I spoke about part of those. Scenes, but theres another tragedy. These are settlers. Settlers have violated the remaining part of the palestinian land, going beyond the part granted by the world. The world gave israel a state and gave palestine a state, but it was not established. Day by day, settlers steal the land. The disaster is that the settlers burn and rob the houses and attack the palestinians and do whatever they want. While the israeli army does not move a muscle, the army sees everything. What hurts more is that the army brings those settlers to the prisons to see how palestinian detaines are humiliated, or subsequently they boost the moral of their people and settlers through showing them the pains of the palestinians who are held in the prisons. Thats humanly unacceptable, and those people breached all the limits of humanity, and we shouldnt even call them human beings. Some reports have pointed to alarming spike in socalled administrative detention since october 7th, mostly minors who are held without charges or without trial, how would you describe this travisty of justice . The detention process is divided into several sections, i spoke about the first section, is the interrogation and investigation into cases and operations carried out by palestinian fighters who strive to restore their land, but there is another kind of detentions in which no interrogations take place, and subsequently the detainees are not subjected to related torture, however, they experience another kind of suffering, as the deataine is imprison without charge or interrogation. Administrative detention is originally british, when britain was ruling palestine. It created administrative detentions. Later, the Israeli Regime inherited that policy from the british. Under that policy, the detane is imprisoned without a charge for six months, that could be extended for another six months and later for another year and so on. Some people were jailed for 18 to 20 years under the administrative detention policy, just because the regimes authorities suspected them without evidence or proof. Thats the height of crime. No. Other part of the world uses that policy. In fact, palestine is the sole occupied country in the world. All the countries have been liberated, except palestine. In palestine, all inhumane. Laws or practice, many people were jailed under the administrative detentions, and that policy was not used against just five, 10, 20 or 100 people. Before the annox of flood operation, there were over a thous administrative detainees, but after israel launched a brutal arrest campaign, the number of administrative detanees exceeded 3, they include doctors, engineers, ordinary people, and university students, even miners are. Failed under the administrative detention policy. I also want to mention one of the ugliest practices that i just remembered, which is the unexplained death of people in prison. Since october 7th, 11 people, including administrative detainees, died under tortured. They were killed during just four months. Isnt that kind of insane . In return, you saw how palestinians in gaza treated the israeli captives. They treated them humanely and shared their food with them, according to the israeli. Captives testimonies, we saw a released woman carrying her dog, while people in gaza have no food, her dog was in a good condition, so the way israeli captives are treated differ from the way palestinians held in israeli jails are treated. In palestine, the israeli captives are treated humanely, despite the war and destruction. In the Israeli Regime, which claims to be democracy, you see the height of ignability. At the same time, there are also heartening stories about detainees engaging in creative activities inside jails, for example bosdanjik recently released his book, a mask in the color of sky, written inside of jail and nominated for an international prize, where does this never sayid die spirit come from . Sometimes the individual who loves the life never submits to pressure and always looks for ways to develop himself and convey his message to the world even from the prison. The big prison to which the detine is sent after being interrogated is a school where the detinie learns from the professors were also imprisoned. Imprisonment is an ordeal, but we turn it into a granting. Some people were illiterate when they entered prison, but they left it with. College degrees, some people memorize the holy quran in prison. We turned prisons into schools and universities. We reached agreements with universities in gaza and lebanon and contacted them through professors or held in these prisons. That is helped educate the palestinians. Palestinians are by nature intellectual and love knowledge and dissemination of science, so we saw them writing books. The book that you mentioned was nominated for an international award, so its author. Gained fame, but there are hundreds of other people who authored books while in prison, and their books are released and just need to be interpreted into english and other languages. So we turn the ordeal into a blessing through investing in knowledge and education inside these prisons. There were 11 brothers who got a phd degree while they were in prison. Each year, about 150 people get masters degree either from gaza university, palestine university. Jan university in lebanon or other universities, so the education process is ongoing in prisons, despite the attempts of the prison authorities to prevent detainees from learning. These attempts include tearing up papers and breaking pens. We even went on hunger strikes for more than 45 days in order to obtain a book, pen or notebook, so we were grabbing our right to education. At some point. The regime to give us access to some specializations in hebrew universities, they only gave some of them that access with the aim of changing their ideas. Some experts in Hebrew Affairs learn hebrew inside prison and studied in israeli universities. The palestinians are heroes and generous. The palestinian nation pursues freedom and knowledge. Like other nations, we want to preserve our dignity and freedom. We are the sole country in the world thats still occupied. Well speaking about your own experience, when was the first time that you were arrested and what were the charges, how were you released, and do you expect another prisoner swap between Hamas Resistance Group and the Israeli Regime as part of ongoing negotiations mediated by qatar and egypt. No long sentence than other longterm prisoners were free during our decades long conflict with the occupation without deals such as and shit deal. All of these prisoner swaps took place by force after Israeli Soldiers or their corpses were captured. One of the reasons behind the alaxel flood operation was that the resistance wanted to capture number of soldiers in order to secure the release of some palestinian detainees held in israeli jails. Some palestinian detainees have spent 45 years in jail such as nile barouti who was first arrested when he was 17. That detain left his wife while she was pregnant, she later gave birth to that baby boy who grew up and who was also detained later by the Israeli Regime. That boy was put beside his father in prison. Other detainees have spent 43, 30, 27 or 25 years in jail. Over 20 detanees have served such long prison sentences in israeli jails, but the Israeli Regime categorically rejects to release them under the pretext that they have. Blood on their hands, as if the Israeli Regime has not committed violations and crimes against the palestinian people. In light of this reality, these detainees can only be freed by force. Therefore, one of the reasons behind the allo flood operation was to capture Israeli Soldiers for the purpose of conducting a prisoner swap. As far as i know, and according to media reports, more than 140 israeli captives are currently held by the resistance in gaza. Launched attack and killed palestinians in order to extract the captives by force, but the resistance has refused to free any captive held in gaza, unless palestinians held in israeli jails are free, particularly elderly people, patients, women and children. If they want their captives, then we want our detainees in return. Currently negotiations are underway to reach a prisoner swap deal. Israel, by nature, always eludes, the initial framework. That proposal only serves the interests of israel, as the regime wants to take its captives a low price. The regime apparently believes that they can achieve through negotiations what they failed to take by force and war, and thats impossible. Rejected, but amendments were made to it. Israel, however, rejected those amendments, we only call for the release of our detainees for a cease fire and the withdrawal of the israely troops and for allowing food to enter gaza. We dont want anything else. Israel is negotiating with us even on that. Hence we realize what allah the almighty says in surah al baqarah when bani israel argued with allah the almighty on the cow. The quran says they said to show us what is her color, but after allah informed them about the color of the cow, they said, according to the quran, call upon your lord to make clear to us what it is. Bani israel argued with the lord of the worlds, let alone us. The ongoing negotiations are very difficult, but we are steadfast and wont give up on our prisoners. We fought this war and made all these sacrifices for the sake of these prisoners in order to preserve. We cant back down on the prisoners and unpreserving, thats our decision, no israeli captive will be released unless the palestinian detaines. How has the operation of flood changed the way the world looks at the palestinian issue, including the plite of palestinians languishing in israeli jails and im a palestinian like all other palestinians and it is normal that people have different minds. Allah the almighty granted people the freedom of expression and the freedom of belief and said in the quran, so whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve. That means that allah said to the unbeliever, if you want to disbelieve, you are free to do so, and to the believer. If you want to believe, then you are free to do so. God has granted people the ability to think and will hold them accountable for their deeds. The Palestinian Society is a diverse one, as we have islamists, secularists, communists, etc. And dialogue must be based on respect. We have to show respect for each other, regardless of our beliefes. I have no issue with jews in the jewish religion, but i have issue with the occupation. Fronts members and different rooms with the democratic fronts members, we had kind of a written agreement on how to organize our affairs based on Mutual Respect and regulations that we have made. When the israeli authorities released the large number of members in 1993 because their movement was engaged in negotiations with the regime, members of hamas and Islamic Jihad remained in prisons along with a small number of members and as i speak hebrew. Authorities for those demands, so i was i was writing them down and asking prison famous for maintaining unity in prison. We worked on unifying the palestinians and the while in prison we worked on unifying the palestinians and the efforts. Thank god that agreement and approach was fruitful and has unified the palestinian factions. We have unified them in prisons, in universities and in the street, and now they are united against the israeli war. All palestinian factions are taking part in the fight that is underway in gaza and the west bank, including hamas, Islamic Jihad and the popular front, all the palestinian factions are united to defend palestine against that usurping regime. Im so happy because of that unity and that unified stance, and we pray to god that this unity will lead to the liberation of our land. We also pray to god to remove the distress of people in gaza, including the bereeved families and the injured people, and to rest the souls of the martired people. May allah also have mercy on this oppressed nation. Muslim nation should support the oppressed people of palestine. The palestinian nation is the most oppressed people in the world. We have been subjected to oppression and occupation for more than 70 years. We will move forward on the path that we selected until victory is achieved and palestine is liberated. Youve been a strong advocate

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