Transcripts For PRESSTV Documentary 20240702 : comparemela.c

PRESSTV Documentary July 2, 2024

It is a place filled with trees, good weather, and also important secrets. Of course, this was not the first time that the United States held itself accountable for israel. Of jimmy carter was not the only one who had this sense of responsibility in us government. The first and perhaps most responsible us president on the palestinian issue was harry s. Truman. The most important place to express this sense of responsibility was in the United Nations General Assembly to divide palestine in. To two independent states, arab and jewish, it was possible to create nation with the vote of the majority and give them land in the same place. Those are in favor will say yes, those are against will say no. Afghanistan, no, argentina. Argentina, abstention, egypt, no, iraq, no, no, lebanon, no, soviet union, yes, united kingdom, abstain, United States, yes, paraguay, yes. The resolution of the Duck Committee for palestine was adopted by sir this three boats 13 against 10 abstentions israeli flag was hoisted outside the United Nations just after this session. When the un General Assembly voted on the partition plan for palestine, the zionist did not keep the great powers waiting. The representative of the Jewish Agency at the un told the members of the Security Council what they were waiting for. Not later than may 16th next, a provisional jurish government will commence to function. In cooperation with. But in the first step the white house acted against the zionist expectations the Us State Department argued against it. Their First Response was no country, no state. The situation was not good. All so the Prime Minister of israel, moses sharit was sent to the United States so that he might be able to change the strong willed United States secretary of states opinion, the recognition of the state of israel, but George Marshall did not agree at all. Marshall went to the white house to talk to harry s truwman and he realized that the president did not agree with him and had different ideas about israel. Clark cliffford, the White House Council was also present in that meeting. General mark. Started off, the president listened attentively and then said, i would like now to hear from clark, but as i spoke, i saw marshalls face getting ridder and redder. George marshall realized the trueman supported israel for two reasons, zionist money and votes in the Upcoming Elections and truemen mentioned. This point explicitly, however, marshall tried to make truman aware the consequences of his decision. We are in the midst of very critical situation. We should therefore carefully avoid approaching International Problems on an emotional basis. Finally, marshall said that if truman recognized the israeli interim government, he would not support his candidacy in the Upcoming Elections, but two days later on 14th 1948, the leaders of the Jewish National council went to this building, the Tel Aviv Museum to proclaim the establishment of an independent jewish state. המולדת לכל יהודי בתענית לעם היהודי מעמד שלומה בזכיות בתוך העמיים ועל יסוד החלטת עשרת האומות המוחדות אנו מכריזים בזאת על הקמת מדינה יהודית בארץ ישראל. Shortly before this announcement, alaho epstein, head of the Jewish Agency in washington wrote to the. Us president that the act of independence would become effective at 1 minute after 6 p. M. On may the 14th 1948 washington time. With full knowledge of the deep bond of sympathy which has existed and has been strengthened over the past 30 years between the government of the United States and the jewish people of palestine, i have been authorized by the provisional government of the new state to tender this message and to express. The hope that your government will recognize and will welcome israel into the community of nations. Hours later, just 11 minutes past 6 p. M. Mary truman wrote to the un General Assembly despite George Marshalls disagreements, this government has been informed that a jewish state has been proclaimed in palestine and recognition has been requested by the provisional government there are. The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de Facto Authority of the new state of israel. The israeli happiness of forming a jewish homeland on the Promised Land did not last long. The very next day when david benurian read the declaration of independence at the Tel Aviv Museum, egypt, jordan, iraq, lebanon and syria, angry with their new uninvited neighbor, attacked israel. The. Sledgeling, israel had no aircraft nor tanks, and the arabs were superior against the zionists in the number of fighters and arms, and their victory seemed certain. The same theory turned into reality. And the arabs achieved significant victories. The zionistts saw with their own eyes that the jewish homeland was on the edge of destruction. David bin goran and his companions had to do something, so they went around the world to buy weapons. Finally, czechoslovakia and russia sold arms to israel. The weapons of the eastern block changed the equation of power on the battlefield. Arabs were optimistic and participated with part of their power in the war, but they were unsuccessful. The un was under the us pressure to declare a ceasefire to end the arab israeli. Conflict and pressured the arabs to sign a ceasefire agreement with israel. After nine months of fighting invain, the seaspire put an end to the conflict. The arabs did not accept the Peace Agreement with israel, because peace meant the recognition the state of israel. The arabs accepted the ceasefire, not peace. The next arab israeli dispute was over waterway built in 1869 in egypt. This canal connected port said on the mediterranean coast to the gulf of sweez in the red sea. This waterway later became known as the swiss canal. The canal was built so that ships traveling from the west to the ports the east of the world would not have to go around the african continent. This was Canal Company was owned by britain for many years, but the new egyptian president Gamal Abdul Nasir gave a fervent speech on july the 26th, 1956 in alexandria, announcing the nationalization of. The swiss Canal Company. Then he raised the flag of his country in that region as the sign of this nationalization. All assets of swez international company, most of which belonged to britain and france were frozen. The french who resented the egyptian aid to the algerian revolutionaries, in addition to the sweez affair, held a secret meeting in paris with the british. Who had been deprived of the huge swiss canal shipping revenue. This top secret meeting had very special guest, israelly representative shimon perz. The french and british believed that they had to invagle israel into invading egypt in order to take revenge on gamal abdu nasar. They knew that nasa banned the israeli ships and planes from passing through the straight of tiran year earlier in 1955, and this. Act could have provoked israel to attack egypt. Their ideas attracted perezs attention and he soon returned to israel to inform david bengorian of their secret offer. Vengurian began working on the plan and was sure that it could alleviate the situation. Naser predicted the war and asked the United States. To buy weapons, but washington refused it because of the 1950 tripartide agreement on the middle east among the us, france, and britain. The agreement banned selling arms to countries in the region to prevent an arms race, so kamal abdul nasir reached out to the soviet union for economic and military assistance. Czechoslovakia agreed to give arms to egypt. The proximity of egypt and the eastern block could have intensified the cold war. On october the 29th, 1956, the israelis invaded the sinai desert. A week later they occupied it. French fighter jets also provided security for Israeli Ground forces in sinai against the powerful egyptian air force. Israel ignored the importance of power. The United States, which was furious with israel over its alliance with france and britain, repeatedly pressured the United Nations Security Council to do something about a temporary ceasefire. On october the 13th, the un Security Council convened and voted a draft resolution urging israel to withdraw its forces to establish a temporary seasfire, but the resolution was vedoed by france and britain, and the soviet Union Proposed a similar resolution that had no better faith than the previous one. Dwight d isenhower, then president of the United States, appeared on camera and spoke on behalf of his nation. United states was not consulted in any way. About any phase of these actions, nor were we informed of them in advance. In the circumstances i have described there will be no United States involvement in these present hostilities. I therefore have no plan to call the congress in special session. Of course, we shall continue to keep in contact with congressional leaders of both parties. It is our hope and intent that this matter will be brought before the United Nations general. Assembly, there, with no veto operating, the opinion of the world can be brought to bear in our quest for a just end to this tormenting problem. In the past, the United Nations has proved able to find a way to end bloodshed. We believe it can and that it will do so again. The dispute between the permanent members of the Security Council over the seasfire was not resolved, and as a result, the un General Assembly convened a special emergency meeting at the request of the Security Council and issued the seasfire order by 57 votes, but france and britain ignored the decree. On nikolay bulganin, the soviet Prime Minister noted the situation of his communist allly issued an ultimatum to france and britain to destroy london and paris with atomic bombs, if they did not stop invading egypt. The next day, the military offensive against egypt seased. On november the 14th, the first Un Peacekeeping troops were deployed in the area so the Israeli Forces left sinai. The un flag established a 10year cease fire between egypt and israel. This fruitless retreat benefited abden nasir more than anyone else. Naser was about to become irreplaceable hero of arab dreams. In may 1967 when Egyptian Parliament speaker Mohammad Anwar assaddat went to moscow to meet the soviet Prime Minister alexey casegin. He was secretly told that israel had gathered all its forces on the syrian border. Anwar assaddad was asked to inform abdan nasir, the man who became the hero of the arabs by nationalalizing the swiss canal. This mischivous news from the russians was in fact a kind of incitement to provoke egypt to attack israel. The soviet union. Support, so we were confident that the balance of power in the middle east would be altered by localized war. The Egyptian Army did not report any movements on the syrian israeli border, but the russians again confirmed the news. In any case, nasa did not take the risk and ordered his defense minister abdul hakim armar to be ready to attack israel if israel invaded syria. Russias plan to start a war in the middle east was turning into reality. Abdan nasar wrote a letter to the United Nations calling for the withdrawal of peacekeeper troops. On the israeli egyptian border since the nationalization of the swiss canal so that the Egyptian Army could take stand. This measure drew all the attention to sharmash port in sinai. Egypt took the initiative and closed the straight of tiran in the gulf of aghaba again. By doing so, designists water connection with the east of the world was completely cut off. Egypt blocked the. Only way for israeli oil transfer and that meant the declaration of war. اهلا وسهلا احنا مستعدين للحررب. To egypt. There is no way that we will allow israeli ships to pass through. The jews are threatening war. We tell them hello and welcome. We are ready for war. Your fear should not define you, your employment should not define you, no more money for israels crime, another nichol, not another dive, not another nick, not another dive, hey how the occupation has got to go, the occupation has got to go, shut it down. تخافوش خلص خلاص. And late october daiish terrorists claimed responsibility for deadly attack on the shah chirag shrine in shiraz iran. The attack. 13 civilians dead, including women and children, all amids the media blackout. Now a group of spanish tourists who witnessed the carnage are here to recount it. Dont miss it. Les bombardements qui ciblent des civils et des infrastructures. I am deeply concerned about the clear violations of International Humanitarian law that we are witnessing in gaza. Let me be clear, no part. To an Armed Conflict is above International Humanitarian law . When the jews were segregated in the ghettoes, no one would imagine that decades later they would do that. The same exact thing to another part of the world by putting up tall walls to segregate palestinians. No one could also imagine that palestinians would be the ones paying the price for crimes that the nazi germans and the west committed against the jews. They blurred the lines and passed zianos off as jews to push forward their insidious agenda. This documentary shows a clear picture of whats going on behind the ghetto walls. The headlines, Israel Presses ahead with its deadly war on gaza, with most of its massacres being committed in areas, the regime claimed would be safe. An International Charity says israel is using starvation as a weapon of war against gaza civilians, as the un says hospitals in the enclave run dangerously low on fuel

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