Hello and welcome everybody, its uh 1 30 pm here on iranian capital terani, watching press tvs world news, our top story for this half hour, the leader of irans Islamic Revolution, sayid says us is definitely complicit in the Israeli Regimes brutal aggression against the besieged ghaza strip said the successive arrival of the heads of oppressive and villainous states such as the us, the uk, france and germany uh in israel, this speaks their concerns about the collapse of the zionist regime. He added, they reach there to avoid the destruction of israel, irans leader added their apprehension shows at the operation alafsa flood by the Palestinian Resistance movement, hamas was a crushing and decisive one. He stressed that islamic country should not be passive uh in the face of. Criminals, he said palestine would definitely emerge victorious, made the remarks while addressing gathering in tehran. Now israel continues its bombardment of the besiege gaza strip as more palestinians fall victim to the deadly air strikes. The death, rather, the Health Ministry in gaza says about 700 palestinians including at least 300 children were killed in the past 24 hours, it said 50 people were killed in a single hour. Due to the intensity of attacks, israels war on gaza is now in its 19th day, over 6,000 palestinians have been killed, and 18,000 injured so far. The head of the hamas media of office says israel has bombed gaza with more than 12,000 tons of explosives. He says this is equivalent to the power of the nuclear bomb that was dropped on the japanese city of hiroshima. The regime strikes are coupled with a crippling siege of gaza, israel has also barred any fuel transport. Into the strip, this has left hospitals increasingly unable to treat the injured due to the need for fuel to run power uh generators well the leaders of lebanes and Palestinian Resistance movements have held a meeting to discuss developments in the gas strip since the launch of the operation alafsa flood, according to the lebanese almanar tv, hezbol secretary. The three leaders evaluate the future course of action by the resistance front to achieve a real victory against israel, they also discuss ways to stop israely bloodshed in the ghaza strip and the west bank. The tree also talked about regional and global stances on ghaza, they agreed to improve coordination and cooperation in the face of israels brutalities against the palestinians. The anasan brigades, the armed wing of hamas, has staged a massive rocket attack targeting tel aviv, as palestinians keep up responding to israeli bombardment of the besieged gaza strip, israeli media have described the attack as the biggest strike targeting tel aviv since the beginning of the war on october the 7th. Other israeli cities, including ashtad and birshaba have also been targeted. A number of casualties have been reported. Hamas also attack. Several forces in several areas, including um mafkain, meanwhile the alguts brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic jihad also staged various missile attacks on israel. Over 1,400 israels have been killed in attacks by the resistance front since october the 7th. Thousands of others have also been wounded. While Israeli Forces have attacked a palestinian town near the jenian refugee camp in the occupied. West bank local sources say the regime troops accompanied by military bulldozers stormed the town of burkin near the camp and deployed snipers on the roofs of in number of buildings. Clashes erupted between. Between Israeli Forces and Palestinian Resistance fighters in the area later on and israeli aircraft fired at least two missiles towards a group of citizens, killing at least three of them and injuring several others. The regimes forces did not allow ambulances to reach the injured and fired bullets anyone who approached them. This after earlier on tuesday, 19yearold palestinian succum to critical injuries, he had sustained by israeli live fire a week ago. The new fatalities bring to at least 103 the number of palestinians killed in the west bank. Since the start of israels war on gaza on october the 7th. Official reports say second palestinian prisoner has died in israeli jails in less than 24 hours, the 25 year old arafat yasir hamdan died in offer prison only two days after his arrest. The Young Palestinian was arrested in roma as part of israels Detention Campaign in the occupied west bank. This as on monday. Member of the hamas resistance woven also died while in israeli custody. Hamas said israel tortured the 58yearold omar dragma to death. Following drogmas death Palestinian Protesters gathered outside the International Red cross committees office in romala. The Palestinian Protesters rejected israels claim the dragma suffered heart attack saying that he was assassinated in jail. An israeli captive released by hamas is praised the palestinan. And resistance movements treatment uh of her and other captives, she says they were treated well during captivity, my mom is saying that they they were very friendly towards them and they took care of them, my mom is speaking about the time there, she is telling us about sharing food with the people that the people when she first arrived when they told them that they are muslims and theyre not going to hurt them um and that uh they share they ate the same food that their the hammas was eating. Well the statements by the 85yearold yoshivid lifshits have triggered wave of criticism in israel soon after her remarks israels official broadcasters said it was a mistake to let her make statements a lifshits account of humanely treatment as exposed Mainstream Media for their propaganda against tamas fighters. Western and israeli media have far reported to similar narratives the israeli captives in recent days, mostly dehumanizing resistance fighters hanss captured more than 200 israelis including soldiers during the operation alagsa flood. Two elderly women were released on humanitarian grounds. The Resistance Group says some of the captives have been killed in israeli air strikes on gaza. My mom is pro Palestinian Protesters across the globe have taken to the streets to voice their unconditional support for the palestinians in the ghaza strip. In kualalompur the malaysian Prime MinisterAnwar Ibrahim joined thousands of protesters condemning the israeli brutality in the besieg territory. It is the level of insanity to allow people to be futured, babies to be killed, hospitals to be bombed and schools to be destroyed, this is the height of barbarism in this world. The gathering in the malaysian capital was the largest in a series of rallies held in the muslim majority country in recent weeks. Jordanians in the capital aman also assembled in huge crowds near the Israeli Embassy to condemn the regimes nonstop atrocities. Protesters wave jordanian and palestinian flags enchanted slogans and support of the Palestinian People. The french president emmanuel macrons visit to the west bank sparked huge protest there in ramala. The protesters denounced frances pro israeli position on the ongoing onslott in gaza, similar demonstrations were also held in france with hundreds pouring into the streets in nont and paris. After weeks of banning propalestinian demonstrations, unions led just the second approved protest in paris to denounce the increasing atrocities of israel. Indiscriminate israeli bombardments of civilian areas have reached a tragic new peak, and the continuation of illegal siege is a. Tragic new law in modern western imperialism. Top officials from around the world, including the United Nations, are increasingly condemning israel for what they agree are. Why isnt israel just honest . If they want all the land of the palestinians then say so, if they want peace then stop attacking civilians and innocent people, Everyone Needs to be honest about what they want, and the people of every religion are obviously against these crimes and atrocities waged by israel. We demand that all arabs and all muslims move on behalf of palestine. The rally. Came on the same day as president emmanuel macrons visit to israel where he shockingly proposed using the western coalition which alleged to fight daesh to now fight against hamas. Macron is often called the most prozionist french president ever. He tried to ban the boycott divestment and sanctions campaign and incorrectly criminalized antizionism as an antisemitism. But the idea of a war a democratically. Party caused widespread and immediate backlash against the idea that french troops would accept going to fight against hamas. The idea of such a coalition is totally unacceptable. Macron is using the language of a true warmonger. He has no right to speak in the name of the french people who refuse to add his threat of war to the tragedies of the Palestinian People. Propalestinian rallies continue to be banned around. Nation undermining frances perpetual boasting of being ardent defenders of the freedom of speech and assembly. The nations media are increasingly reporting that Public Opinion is starting to shift against israel because of their obvious war crimes, and even among the political class. It may reach the point that very unpopular president may have to pull back from his long time stance of unconditional support for israel. Tv, paris. Well did up with standards of the western media and covering the flight of palestinians have come into more focus in the wake of the recent israelt on gaza. Italian pro palestine demonstrators have expressed their views on the matter. As for our newspapers and tvs, they report only on what suits their and our governments agenda. Seen how they have been covering the Ukraine Russia conflict. I always recommend looking for reliable sources. Our media sources in italy are too biased. Everybody knows which side they stand for. People have to be curious. They must be hungry and thirsty for righteousness, and they have to stay human. It only takes some common sense to understand that there is an ongoing geneside in palestine. Questa cosa e sempre stata pure in afghanistan, its always been this way. Syria, afghanistan and other countries, nobody talks about oppressed people here, maybe its because these people are not european, so nobody cares about them, we should always keep the palestinian struggle in our minds and make sure that Everybody Knows about it, come cittadini, but as for the International Media at large, us, uk, generally what we know is western media, i would say that the coverage has been holy unequal, um, theres been a lot of focus from the politicians, going to israel, going to tel aviv, going to these places that are currently perpetrating one of the worst atrosties that weve seen in recent history, and its it feels not only unfair, but just not right, i mean france and germany are looking to ban protests around palestinian flags and palestinian cause, um, it it feels like in a way, some lives are worth more than others and that hurts because you know as cause and this people who support the palestinian cause, one of the main tenets of that has always been that every life is equal and that you know this is about just human life and and human flourishment and and against oppression, it doesnt matter if its in palestine or elsewhere. Irans permanent ambassador to the United Nations says the United States is complicit in the Israeli Massacre of the Palestinian People. In the ghaza strip. The United States, unvavoring support for the occupation and aggression, has rendered it an active part of the problem. The us has further exacerbated the conflict by overwartly aligning itself with the aggressor at the expense of the innocent palestinian population. The rapid provision of military and Logistical Support to the oppressive ocupaying regime those made the us complicite in the brutal massacre of innocent Palestinian People in the gaz streep. Mr. President , he was speaking in a Un Security Council session. The us for vedoing resolutions that affirm the palestinian nations right to selfdetermination, he said the councils in action has embold in tel aviv to perpetrate more egregious crimes i also dismissed earlier remarks by us secretary state anthony blincon who accused the Islamic Republic of intensifying the gaza war. Today the u. S. Secretary of state once again attempt to wrong. Place the blame on iran. Iran categorically reject these groundless allegations. Our commitment to the Regional Peace and stability remains unwavoring. Iran align with International Community in endorsing the call for an immediate fire and a cessation of israeli rentless military aggression as well as imperative to halt the force displacement of over Million People from gazza. The united. Also denounced the us and some other western countries for supporting israels brutal war on gaza under the pretext of selfdefense. The iranian un envoy added that palestinians have uh suffered painful history of occupation, aggression, discrimination and the imposition of apartide policies by the Israeli Regime. He said iran continues to fully support the legitimate rights of the Palestinian People. Idav only noted that iran will stand with palestinian aspirations until the Israeli Occupation is ended. Diplomats from other countries at the Un Security Council have also reacted to israels carnage in gaza turkey has uh said that turning a blind eye to the crimes committed against the Palestinian People amounts to sheer hypocrisy. Today the us secretary of a state once again attempt to wrongly place the blame on iran. Iran categoric. Categorically reject these groundless allegations. Our commitment to the Regional Peace and stability remains unwavoring. Iran align with International Community in endorsing the call for an immediate site and cessation of israeli rentless military aggression as well as imperative to halt the force displacement of over Million People from gazza. The United States unwavoring support for the occupation. Speaking at the meeting, the Jordanian Foreign minister accused israel of violating International Law and running rough shot over Security Council resolutions. The egyptian foreign minister called for ending the forced displacement of the palestinians in gaza. The top saudi diplomat demanded an end to israels military operations and warned against the dangerous consequences of double standards and selective abidance by the un laws and resolutions. Qatars un envoy also delivered a speech at the Security Council session. Some prefer to look the other way, in face of such atrocities, they prefer not to speak about crimes against humanity and war crimes, they prefer to pretend as if Palestinian People are just numbers and they have no souls and rights. This is absolutely unacceptable. This is sheer hypocrisy. The secretary general of the arab league also warned the credibility of the Un Security Council is at stake, said israel strikes on gas to the collective punishment of the palestinians, un secretary general also slammed israel for violating International Law in the gaza regarding the maintenance of International Peace and security. In recent times, i am deeply concerned about the clear violations of International Humanitarian law that we are witnessing in gaza. Let me be clear, no party to an Armed Conflict is above international humanity. Law, it is important to also recognize the attacks by hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian People have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steady devored by settlements and plagued by violence. Their economy stiffled, their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing. The un chiefs remarks have enraged israel, a press conference, the regime voice said guteresh is quote, not fit to. Lead the organization and called on him to resign, the regimes foreign minister also cancelled the meeting with un chief. Uh so were interrupting the broadcast now to bring you live images from gaza now as israel continues to bombardment of the vesige gaza strip for the 19th. Day in a row as uh more palestinians fall victim to the deadly air strikes there you can see the thick plums of smoke rising to the air as the isr