Of your headlines for this hour, the Israeli Military continues is heavy pounding of the gaza strip. Nearly 700 palestinians have been killed including 140 chill. Lebanons Hezbollah Movement attacks two Israeli Military stations with guided missiles and mortor shells after three of his members were killed in shelling by the regime and iran slams the west double Standard Approach to israeli crimes describing palestinians military response as legitimate. Hello everyone, youre watching press tv live from the studios in teran. Thank you for joining us. In todays top story, israel says it has conducted a barage of air strikes and artillery fire on gaza targeting over 1,00 locations. The regime says the strikes have hit many multistory buildings. Causing significant damage. Israelts on the gaza strip have claimed nearly 700 lives since saturday. This includes 140 children and over 100 women. More than 3600 palestinians have also been injured. The un says the number of displaced individuals in gaza has surpassed 123,000 since the conflict erupted. Meantime, the Hamas Resistance Movement says his fighters captured more Israeli Soldiers on the second day of the. Axa flood operation. Resistance fighters have targeted israeli cities with thousands of missiles. They have also breached the gaza barria fence and infiltrated into Israeli Occupied territories gaining control over vast areas near the barrier. The unprecedented offensive has left at least 900 israels dead and nearly 2,500 injured. Palestinian Resistance Movement hamas. Was dismissed as ridiculous the israeli threats for a ground offensive and occupation of the ghaza strip. The spokesman for the movements military wink known as khassam brigades says it is ready for a prolonged battle as any possibility. Abuda said the Israeli Regime is helpless after 60 hours of conflict and hamas fighters are in control of the battle. He warned that all options are on the table as part of operation are acsa flood. Abu ubaid also. That hamas will not enter into negotiations for the release of israeli captives under threats and bombardment. Earlier the hamas spokesman warned that the group will kill one israeli captive each time the regime targets civilians in gaza without prior warning. Meanwhile the situation is also extremely volatile to the north of the Israeli Occupied territories along. Pronounced border, the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement says three of its members were killed in israeli shelling. The Resistance Movement responded by attacking two Israeli Military stations with guarded missiles and mortor shells. Earlier we talked to our correspondent mariam saleh from southern lebanon. The hezbollah units launched an operation against two of the Israeli Military stations, one is the headquarters of the. Um unit and the second one is avm which is the uh one of the posts of the western unit um so therefore this is a direct response has said that this is a preliminary response, so this means that this is this will not be the last, we will probably see more operations uh from hezballah against those areas, and this time the operations were not in lebanese occupied areas, but rather in the northern galilei which is considered northern occupied palestine, so this in one way or another is saying and telling the world that the they are uniting the fronts, that hazballah and hamas are uniting the fronts. The front in northern occupied palestine is the same as the front in gaza and perhaps we might see some more action whether on the west bank or in the uh in the occupied areas of the the occupied west bank as well uh we saw today of course um also an operation by thesa brigades as well into that infiltrated the lebanese southern border and also clashed with the israelis um as we know directly and were murdered as well this also proves that that the brigades are going to transcend um their field or their frontline, which used to be only mainly gaza, and even in some areas in in the west bank as well, so or or the launching of rockets, its going to be more than that, and i think that we will see more surprises in light of the fact that the israelis continue to shell. Meanwhile, ivan has defended the palestinian military operation against. As legitimate and inevitable given the regimes relentless crimes. The resistance operation was legitimate and natural response to the designist regimes extremes and criminal measures. It was also the inevitable result of netanyahus extremist actions against the motherland of the palestinian nation. The International Community should make efforts to support palestinians rights and immediately stopped the killing machine of the Party Zionist regime targeting palestinian. Citizens, including women and children, particularly in the gaza strip. Amir abdullah made the comments in a phone call with eu Foreign Policy chief joseph burell. The top iranian diplomat also dennounced western in action regarding israels systematic atrocities against palestinian people. He said, we would not be in the Current Situation if the west had stopped the israeli prime ministers crimes and not sound to justify them through double standards. Earlier the Iranian Foreign minister also held a phone call with his omani counterparts sayid badr abudi. Amir abdullah han demanded that the Foreign Ministers of islamic countries hold emergency meeting as soon as possible to discuss the regimes atrocities. Journalists and political commentators sayid mohsan abbas says israel is doing everything it can to pump out victim narrative for the regime. Are committing war crimes, so theres been a huge pr campaign, much bigger than anything thats before or whipping up support for israels obvious genocidal response that was inevitable, theres no doubt, but even by his standards and their standards, this is quite shocking, is anybody say for instance in western media now going to be asking israel the question . About what theyre doing at the moment, will israel be asked to justify this kind of indiscriminate slaughter of children, no, because unfortunately the anginist institutions, the media, the whole of the corporate sector is pretty much totally under their control, and i think thats why whats left as an option for the palestinians is literally that theyve got to pay in blood, they have to literally, and then the reality also is that no imperialist oppressive force in history. Has ever withdrawn or let go of its oppressed without a struggle, without fight, without bloodshed, and i think there have been all sorts of indications that the palestinians knew full well the response that israelis would give, but theyve made the conscious decision, a wellinformed official in the Palestinian Resistance groups speaks of some Israeli Forces assisting with the alaxa flood operation against the occuping regime, in a report published by by irans tasnim website, the palestinian official gave new information on Israeli Soldiers cooperating with resistance groups since long ago. The report says the information provided by Regime Forces was used in operation alax storm to to infiltrate Israeli Military bases around gaza. The collaboration was not limited to intelligence, it also included supplying equipment to Palestinian Resistance groups. The collaborators are known as the palestinian secret army that are respon. For taking weapons from israeli warehouses. The un chief has expressed alarm at the high number of palestinian. Including women and children that have been killed in israeli attacks on gaza. Antonio guteresh called on the regime to stop targeting civilian sites. He said the un has reports of israeli missiles, striking Health Facilities as well as multistored residential towers and mosks. Guutieres said un schools sheltering displaced families in gaza were also hit. The un chief added that he was deeply distressed by the israeli move to impose a complete siege on the gaza strip allowing. Nothing including electricity, food and fuel. He said the humanitarian situation in gaza was already extremely dire and will now only deteriorate exponentially. Thats while the European Union has suspended all eight payments to palestinians following their operation against israel. The eu commissioner oliver verhelly says the move will affect all payments and projects worth over. 690 Million Euros until fair the notice. Over the weekend the european commissions headquarters was illuminated by the israeli flag. Its president orsola vandelayen repeatedly has stressed the eu steadfast support for israel. The us also immediately announced the support saying it will send fresh military aid to tel aviv. Meanwhile ivan says the us and some european governments are resorting to psychological warfare against palestinians seaking the. The oppressor as the oppressed. Thousands of people across the world have thrown the streets in a display of solidarity with palestinians as israels attacks on the goza strip claims more lives. I believe that we have a special role as citizens in united states, israels number one political, military and financial backer, to raise our voices and demand that our government stops funding israeli apartthide. People marched in the us cities of chicago and new york as well as the australian city of sydney to support the palestinians battle to defend their homeland. In pakistan, people burn the israeli flag. In germany, rally was held in berlin, with the crowd chanting palestine will be free. Nigerians also held as the palestinians operation alaxa flood. Meanwhile pro palestine rallies were also staged in lebanon, kuwait, turkey, jordan and iraq. In iran, people celebrated the resounding victory of resistance groups in their ongoing battle against israel. Yemenis have also staged protest in the capital san ar and the cities of saada and hudaida in support of palestine. We were earlier joined by. Robert carter who was live for us in front of the Israeli Embassy in london, where hundreds demonstrated in solidarity with palestinians. As you can see behind me, there is a large protest in solidarity with the palestinians happening right behind me, to my left is israels embassy in london, now of course the uk has major role to play in the uh blood. Thats taking place in occupied palestine, britain being the country which is basically to blame for the uh which started from 70 or years ago, so naturally uh this is like a battleground in europe for the palestinian cause uh as a street level uh many propalestine Activists Campaign in support of the course. Now uh let me just go through some of the reaction thats come from the uk uh officially its government here uh particularly uh the uh number 10 downing street has offered nothing but pure and unequivalent solidarity with israel uh even a time when we know that israel is pounding a gaza heavily civilian populated area and uh of course has been using weapons quite likely like uh phosphorus ammunitions which are of course illegal to use internationally according to the codes of war uh so uh weve had statements from the foreign secretary who has said that uh they are in full solidarity with israel and that israel has a right to defend itself uh, no statements in support of the palestinian right to defend themselves and thats added to the sense of frustration and anger felt by british propalestine activists who are of course deeply saddened and angered by what theyre seeing coming out of occupied palestine over the past couple of days, but at the same time theyre also deeply angered at this government in the uk which doesnt represent uh what i would argue is the. Majority view of the general public here, which is a pro palestine general public. The Palestinian Mission to the United Nations says regrettably history for some media and politicians start when israelis are killed. Our people have endured one deadly year after another. We came to the Security Council month after month. Warning of the consequences of israeli impunity and international inaction. This is not a time to let israel double down its terrible choices. This is a time to tell israel it needs to change course. That there is path to peace where neither palestinians nor israelis are killed. It is time for immediate end to the violence and the bloodshed, and it is time to end this bloccade and to open a political horizon. We chose the peaceful path to achieve our rights, but israel continued using blunt force against palestinian. Israel cannot wage a full scale war a nation, its people, its land, its holy sites, and expect peace in exchange, we have been calling for a different rational, a different approach, justice, not vengeance, freedom. Not occupation, peace, not war. Our calls should be headed. The alternative is playing out under our very eyes. You cannot stand for peace if you do not stand up to occupation. Do it because it is the right thing to do, morally, legally. Politically, and because it will save lives, peace will save lives, because it is the only way forward. Political commentator Barry Grossman says, the only way for palestinians to win back their rights is armed resistance. Uh, from where i see palestinians have. Very little choice, after the second into faida, they they gave peace a chance, they unilaterally reduced to tax on israelis, so that by the occupation zone numbers, what they called lethal terrorist attacks on israelis was reduced by 95 for each of of 10 years in decade long period, and their response to palestinians giving peace a chance was to launch series of Major Military operations, raising gaza almost to the ground and killing many thousands of palestinians, while at the same time seasing more and more land at the west bank. Palestinians simply dont have a choice. I dont think anybody enjoys picking up arms, going to war, killing people, but there comes a point at which there are other options, and of course the United Nations charter and International Law more generally respects and preserves the right of an occupied people to fight their occupiers and thats essentially what the palestinians are now are now doing and in return the the machine as it were the Corporate Media cartel influenced by the us should i say directed by the us Security Apparatus immediately dismissess anything. They do is terrorism. Yemenise in the capital santa have attended a massive rally in support of the latest attacks against israel by Palestinian Resistance fighters. Yusufry reports. With our blood and with our lives, we support you also. This was the chant that ring high in the streets of the yemeni capital, where tens of thousands of yemenese came out to express solidarity. For the latest palestinian offensive against israel, today came out to say we are with our operation which will wash away all the oppressers. And all of those normalizing ties and selling out palestine, today sana is letting the palestinians know that we are with you and that this operation will lead to the end of all oppressers worldwide. Ansarullah officials at the rally congratulated what they called an unprecedented palestinian attack that exposed just how weak the Israeli Regime is. Muhammad ali alhuthi, a prominent ansar allah official, believes power. Is the only Initiative Israel will respect. The only initiative respected by the illegal occupiers is the kind of power that was demonstrated by the great fighters from the Palestinian Resistance groups. Their heroic and iconic actions will be recorded in the books of history and will never be forgotten by the enemy and will never be forgotten by the muslim world. It is an islamic obligation to stand with the palestinians and to stand against our enemies and to stand against america and israel, the conflict for us is matter of central and fundamental islamic teuties, by the will of allah, victory is near. The demonstration also condemned some the arab regimes who have normalized ties with israel, declaring those who engage in such political efforts as traitors to islam. Following the surprise defensive against israel, senior hamas military commander. Has called on all islamic Resistance Movements in the region including movement to unite efforts to liberate palestine today, not tomorrow. Yusufy, plus tv, months after a British Court ruled the uk governments socalled rwanda deportation plan on lawful, the countrys interior ministry is appealing to the Supreme Court to overturn that ruling. The extremely unpopular uwanda policy with see thousands of Asylum Seekers arriving on british shores deported to the east african country. Rice groups have called a plan cruel and wrong. Saipur has more from london. Sailing towards what they hope will be the last leg of an arduous journey to safety, but those make it face hostile environment thanks to the British Governments controversial plan to deport thousands of. Seekers coming to the uk illegally to the east african country of rwanda. The plan has a short but checkered history. In june, the uks court of appeal overturned a high court ruling, which it said rwanda was safe third country for migrants to be sent to. This week the British Government is appealing that ruling here. Critics say the rwanda the policy pursued by the interior ministry risks violating the Uks International obligations to protect. Act human rights, theyre raising concerns about the impact of the policy on victims of modern slavery and trafficking, and also on women, children, and disabled people arriving on british shores. There are concerns about people being prematurely returned to the nations from which they are fleeing in the first instance, when an initial decision uh may may be made, is there a robust and independent uh process for those people that would offer them protection whilst their claims uh are going through the independent tribunal service. There are lots of concerns about this ill thought out policy, but the british interior minister soela broverman disagrees. Earlier this month she dialed up her antiimmigration ritoric in a desperate attempt to appeal to the conservative Party Faithful at their annual conference in manchester. The wind of change that carried my own parents across the globe in the 20th century was a mere gust compared to the hurricane that is coming. Previously, shed call the migrant arrivals an invasion, language that has led many to ask if her home office treats all migrants equally. The uk te taking far less refugees than any. A country, and actually, if we look at the way that um, people from ukraine fleeing for their lives have been treated, they were treated humanely, they were treated like human beings, they were welcomed, and they were given safe passage. It is all now in the hands of the Supreme Court judges. If they agree with the court of appeal, then the british home secretarys dream of sending Asylum Seekers to rwanda, in its current form, is dead. Said pour. Press tv london. Those were the top stories for this hour. Thank you for being with us, take care and byebye. The Israeli Military launches fresh deadly air strikes on the besieg gaza strip as the death told from operations by Palestinian Resistance groups in the occupied territory source to 900. This the attacks on the ghaza strip have killed nearly 700 palestinians and injured more than 3,600 others since saturday. Irans Foreign Ministry spokesman has slammed as unacceptable the western support for israel in his aggression on the gaza strip. Nassa canani said in his weekly pressure that the us and some european governments are resorting to psychological warfare against palestinians and seek to pose the oppressor as the oppressed

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