The failure of irans isolation strategy, which has been pursued by the United States and some western governments over the past year. Second, president raisi and his peers were expected to conduct another round of talks with the european states over already leftoff negotiations about the joint comprehensive plan of action or the jcpoa. Consultations on the sidelines of the 78th assembly could help unty the current de. Lock in the jcpo negotiations and open new perspective for the negotiations in this area. Third, in his speech at the Un General Assembly, mr. Raisi spoked about the necessity of moving the structure of the International System towards a fair order and strengthening multilateralism. In his speech he emphasized the need to strengthen regional and International Integration with the central role of the islamic republic. The words of the president of iran showed that iran is determined to strengthen the new International Order based on multilateralism, particularly after tehran accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the bricks. To know more, we talked to dr. Fuad eizadi of tehran university. We asked him about the significance of president raisis trip to new york. You know, iranian president s generally uh go to the un. General assembly that is held annually in september, and the reason they do that is, they see this as an opportunity for iran to present what iran is all about by iranian leader, as you know, there is a difficulty in western media outlets, Corporate Media in the United States in number of european country. That humanize iran, so there is this issue of public diplomacy, um, the idea of having an unian president talk about iran to an International Audience is going to be important. Dr. Isady told us why the iranian president held the holy quran when delivering his speech at the Un General Assembly. You saw this year, the president held the. Quran, and this is a reaction to what we experienced in the in last year, quran burning, which is designed to demonize islam, so this this idea of demonization is not a problem of just iran, islam in general is demons in western countries especially, homophobia is quite extensive. So a portion of the president speech dealt with that issue, and since he is a cleric, i think he thought that this would be his duty to defend the book, the holy book and talk about the virtues of islam. Speaking to the annual Un General Assembly meeting in new york, irans president say ibrahim raisi delivered a manifesto for the. Future of the world and set a whole new menu on the table. President raisi discussed the emergence of nonwestern powers, encouraged Regional Economic and security partnerships of and lamented the ongoing Israeli Occupation of palestinian territories. His razorblade attack on americas lifestyle as a widspread paradigm, the entire world made his point straight among the audience. President raisis speech implied that the classic world. Order based on us values is no longer liked and accepted by the emerging powers and the international community. The western culture should not be seen as the final world in the globe as its facing wide spread challenges that have remained unresolved. Moreover, all cultures and values across the world must be respected by others, while there is no hierarchy of importance in the international arena. ما در یک دوره سرنوشت ساز تاریخی قرار گرفته اییم. جهان در حال تغییر و گذار به نظم بینمللی نوظهور است. و این مسیر غیر قابل برگشت است. معادله سلطه غربی برای نظم که لیبرال که در خدمت منافع سلطهگران و سرمایه داران سیری ناپذیر بود کنار زده شده است و در یک کلام پروژه ایمریکایی کردن جهان شکست خورده است. Are coded by the westerners to prove that western culture is at elevated levels with great finess. World can hear and take these metaphors much as tongue and cheek humor as the reality has proved otherwise. In the late 19th century and by the close of the indian wars, almost 5 million native americans were slaughtered in north america by the New Residence in the name of civilization. Between 1880 to 1920 british. Policies in india claimed the lives of 100 million indians only in 40 years. In 1994, the french government bore significant responsibility for enabling a foreseeable genocide against the tutsies by the paris backed hutu government in rwanda which left 800,000 tutsies killed. Between 1970 to 1919, while iran declared neutrality to the warring sides during world. War the first, the country was occupied by the forces of british, ottoman and russian empires. Western historians put the toll in persia or iran to about two Million People because of hunger and from diseases like cholera, plague and tyfis. However, other historians rose the estimates to 10 Million People. This is dr. Ali redvan pour, a political analyst and a university professor. One of the main point in which president raisi stated his Un General Assembly speech was that he called upon the un secretary general antonsh that the United Nations should be the voice of the nations not the voice of some powerful countries nowadays after seven decades of the foundation and also establishment of Un Security Council or United Nations we have seen that there isnt any change in the structure and core structure of the i mean un United Nations namely the United NationsUn Security Council and etc. So he emphasized the policy. Hello, welcome to press tvs a special coverage women working for alternative media from across the globe have come to iran to attend the international hhorshid media festival. Total of the 100 journalists and media activists from more than 40 40 countries are in attendance and this years event has been dedicated to Slain Palestinian journalist shirin abu was murdered by the Israeli Regime in the occupied territory last year. At this point uh were going to be joined by. Who i believe has some guess that she will be um doing some q a with in order to highlight uh some of the notions of this uh very special events. Over to you. Hello and welcome to this special section here that well be covering the First International chose sheet media festival that is just ended uh. Fortunate of to be the director of this festival, were invited 100 female journalists from around the world to participate and also journalists from inside the country. Im happy today to have uh four of our guests here with me in press tv studio, like to introduce them starting off with dr. Hannah, journalist and university lecturar from algeria, and we have uh glue from turkey, representative of harry media, and from kenya, anchor and reporter, and we have isabel, journalist and correspondent with rt, welcome all of you, thank you, thank you. Pleasure to have you all, im going to start off with uh hannah, tell me about yourself and and and what you do, exactly uh, first of all, thank you very much for this kind invitation, its my honor to be here with you in iran, our beloved country, i am journalist from algeria, and also university lecturer, i teach media translation, ive been a journalist for almost seven years, i work with algerian. And Foreign News Outlets okay go ahead this is elif ilhamolu im journalist from turkey i am the representative of hariji media, it is the only Digital Media of turkey that focus may foreign news Foreign Policy and i am also phd candidate in Political Science and International Relations thank you very much for having me its a pleasure my name is hadia im a ken. List and i do reporting and im also news ancher. Im really happy to be in iran. Its my first time but im glad i came. Yeah, i do mostly reporting on human rights issues and also female education, gpv. Okay, yes and my name is ferla isabel. I a journalist, correspondent and presenter for artiternational. I also do my own investigative reporting and ive traveled especially in the global south to really look at how uh countries that have been affected by regime changes. Uh are doing in the effects of sanctions, so thank you for having me. Well, thank you all for coming, its a pleasure. Uh, i want to look at certain situations of, we invited all of you and weve been talking and trying to exchange ideas. First of all, lets start off with your perspective of the festival, and and what can be done from the output of this in your perspective . Uh, for me, this is a great idea to meet our colleagues from, mean uh, the whole world in order to exchange and also uh i mean to exchange our knowledge and also information and to get more committed to uh defend just causes worldwide and also to be the voice of the voiceless okay uh its very meaningful for me to be in here uh because we as female media representatives around the world as you said are discussing uh the problem that we face in media area uh so. Actually we realized that the most common issue uh of us around as female med representatives around the world uh is the narrative by spreading uh western media about us uh because uh they show us as victims, they see us as victims, victims of the man, victims of the state, victims of the government and they dont see as actors, as a equil actors, as subject as so its important to be here and uh say that we are actors of our own life and make us our you know voice heard okay well for me this First International croched media festival is a first step to a journey of a thousand miles and it is very important step because we needed to come together and first decide what do we want to to you know to stand for and what our challenges what our wins and what are we doing right now as it is and steps do you need to take, so i feel like from here its clearer to move forward than before we came to this festival, so its a very good step that we have taken as female journalist, i think the festival, as everyone has said was great in connecting women from all over the world, but i also think it was kind of mirroring whats happening right now in the world, especially in the east and the global south where were seeing emerging new world where people are working together and cooperating rather than this type of world that was just you know uh one delegation by the United States and the west and so what i really liked about this was that so many women from so many countries were able to actually uh talk about their individual struggles or countries and really come together to listen each other and i think these sort of meetings really uh connect us more an age of censorship so really really great well im going to start back with you and go this way. This time around, youre were both americans, and both working for alternative media, you atrt, he in press tv, i i want your perspective, especially as an american, and prior to coming to iran, tell me your perspective about iran and and the and women in iran, what did you think . Well, prior to coming to iran, i was told not to come by multiple people who met well in the United States thinking, you know, iran is dangerous, reading. The Mainstream Media narrative that it is oppressive, a dictatorship and that women have no rights, this is exactly what i was told, but because of going to countries that uh, to go to like nicaragua, cuba, venezuela, and then russia, i, i have found that in those countries that have been under the hegemony of the United States, that this this whole um situation where theyre painted as dictatorships has been false every single time, and so coming to iran, i had an idea that that would be so, but i didnt know that it would be to the extremity of where i have seen women here be in leadership positions and be appreciated and a way that i havent seen in other parts the world in general um women are treated in delicate form and its not like women need to be uh saved, its more of like they are given the freedom to uh use their intellect and their opinions and the focus um on the hijab has been just so formulated to push uh and so descent and cause regime change, this is something ive seen in the various countries ive mentioned as well as um. My colleague here mentioned women are utilized uh for a certain narrative and we are not given the ability, its condescending that we dont have mind of our own, and ive found here that uh the women of iran if they had a problem with the way they were being treated, these women would certainly speak out, that thats very good, even after a couple of days youve picked out of already that definitely iranian women will not tolerate being mistreated, tell me your perspective before coming and now before before coming to. I really wasnt sure what i should expect of course, but recently the president of iran, his excellency dr. Ibrahim rais, he came to kenya, and that was the first time i was really paying attention to okay, this is you know a president from iran, i was like, okay, iran by the way, so when i got this invitation, i was like really curious to come here, but of course there are the fears that you might meet this, you might see this, this might be there, but i feel like since i came here, i have had a different narrative all together. Because when women dress in hijabs and you cover up, from even where i come from, i have been treated like that before, people dont think much of you, they think you have no brains, youre not smart, just because you cover up, so i feel like they should come to iran because women are all covered up and theyre doctors in iran in different you know in different fields, researchers and also you know philosophy and sciences, so it made me feel like as a hijabi i shouldnt, i shouldnt take what people think of me, especially because im cover. Up you can be covered up and still be worthy and this man and have the brains yeah of course and and what did you think before coming um maybe from beginning of the renaissance we can say that knowledge is power knowledge is everything uh but today the west is controlling and dominating the information with all of it media tools and they are shaping the truth so being here is important to see the truth with our own eyes, they are spreading the prejudgements about iran, iranian woman, even in turkia, you know we are neighbor countries and there are some prejudgements about iran, iranian culture, irani women, because we are reading the iran from the west, so when i see here, actually its not my first time, i visited before tahran, isvan, other states, but every time. I get more experience and when i see here i saw that the iranian women have ability to do everything, they have ability to change, leading to change, and they are powerful, they are political, well educated and intellectual, so its an opportunity with this initiative with this festival to overcome this prejudgements about iran, not only about iran but also about turkey and about. The woman of our lands our geography about eastern woman. Okay, and what did you think before coming . Yes, in fact this is my second time here in iran. Prior to that, i heard some prejudgement uh, but i didnt believe this because i, i mean, ive been working in media and i know how i mean western media behave, so uh, and this is our duty today is to confront this malicious campaigns, because as we know, iran is not the. Victim of sanctions, economic sanctions, but also malicious campaigns, targeting women, targeting, i mean the whole country, they are trying to portray women as, i mean they they are victims, they are not enjoying their freedom, they are not enjoying their rights, but the contrary, i mean its the contrary, because iranian women are enjoying full freedom, they are, i mean they have equal opportunities like man, they are also well, equipped with education, i mean they are in a high ranking positions, so we have all, i mean, all the journalists or the female journalists who participated in this conference, i mean to go back to their country. In order to report and also to try to refute all these uh, mean claims. Okay, well you you stopped that something the because we were almost out of time, but i want to get each one of your opinions on this, what can we do . We we talked about this this media hegemony that is basically controlling the narrative, and we saw it in so many different places, she mentioned about nicaragua, weve seen in venezuela, we saw it in cuba, we saw it in syria, russia, and iran, of course, so what can we do as journalists to try to break this hegemonic media front . First of all, we have to, since we have the power to, mean to speak or to to write, we have to write, we have we have to speak, mean we have to to be the voice of the voiceless and also to represent the true image of these oppressed people, mean also we have to reshey public opinion, because we have the power to reshape it, so our duty today is to, mean to ask. Uh, i can propose some, i i dont suggestions, for instance we have to, i mean to keep in touch, i talk, im talking about, yeah, thats part of the festival, the group to have this, we have to keep in touch, we have to, i dont know, create groups and exchange information, and all and also not to focus on one region, because we are all targeted, its not just iran or cuba or venezuela, okay, let me get in here, so sorry bause were almost out of time, were were. Going towards the news, but but go ahead, can be your um, of course we should strengthen the cooperation between media organizations as you did, and more especially i would like to say, i think its important, because you know we as i said we are neighbor countries and maybe we can invite more turkish female journalists to h