Tātai whetū ki te rangi, mau tonu, mau tonu ngaro noa, ngaro noa. Tatou kua hui mai nei Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou, Tēnā tātou katoa This is the fourth occasion that I have had the privilege of a powhiri at Te Whare Runanga in the lead up to Waitangi Day. I thank you most sincerely for the manaakitanga you have extended to David and me. Our visits to Waitangi have provided us with some very special memories. Highlights for me include the 160th anniversary of the flagstaff erected by Northern Maori on Maiki Hill at Kororāreka, in 2018. I was privileged to be the first Governor General to visit and acknowledge this significant gesture of goodwill made in 1858 by those northern rangatira.