Article content Provincial police officers with the Stormont Dundas and Glengarry detachment as well as the community street crime unit, provincial asset forfeiture unit, organized crime enforcement bureau, provincial joint forces cannabis enforcement team and emergency response team executed a search warrant at a rural property on Glen Stewart Road in Brinston. More than 1,900 cannabis plants were seized; their total estimated value is about $1.9 million, according to an Ontario Provincial Police news release. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser. Pot valued at $1.9M seized in Brinston Back to video Longxing Chen, 65, and Xinqiang Chen, 43, both of Georgetown, were charged under the Cannabis Act with cultivating, propagating or harvesting a cannabis plant that is from seed or plant material that is illicit cannabis. Both were released from custody and are to appear in Cornwall court on Sept. 9.