Dubai: It has been more than eight months since Frances Narte Feliciano, 46, a Filipino expatriate returned home from a-long haul stay at a hospital ICU. But to this day, he experiences many weird symptoms. A technical storekeeper at a Dubai firm, who had COVID-19 in April 2020, was in the Intensive Care Unit of Canadian Specialist Hospital for over 72 days, breathing through a mechanical ventilator. He was discharged from hospital in August and continued physiotherapy at home. However, he was only able to join back at work in November. “I walk in to a room and don’t remember why I came there in the first place; I am unable to recall some of my computer transactions on SAP. I experienced a lot of fuzziness, fatigue, dizziness etc in the first few months after discharge. Even to this day, I am fatigued, am unable to work for long hours, require short breaks and do not feel one hundred per cent fine like before,” Narte Felicino told Gulf News.