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Post-COP27, Carbon Markets Turn Focus To Pricing : compareme
Post-COP27, Carbon Markets Turn Focus To Pricing : compareme
Post-COP27, Carbon Markets Turn Focus To Pricing
After the UN climate meeting in Egypt, carbon market participants look to establish a pricing benchmark similar to those present in other key commodities.
Related Keywords
Paris ,
France General ,
France ,
Egypt ,
London ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
Dirk Forrister ,
Sean Gallup Getty ,
Sharm El ,
Russell Blinch ,
Alex Haas ,
Sarah Leugers ,
David Kane ,
International Emissions Trading Association ,
Mckinsey Company ,
Reuters ,
Opening Ceremony And High Level ,
Sharm El Sheik ,
Paris Climate Accords ,
Paris Agreement ,
Jonathan Crook ,
Carbon Market Watch ,
Baringa Partners ,
Chief Strategy Officer ,
Gold Standard ,