Positive spin: How the PR industry is surviving lockdown Positive spin: How the PR industry is surviving lockdown How have the recent lockdowns in various parts of Australia and the continued Greater Sydney lockdown affected the PR industry? As an industry that usually thrives on face-to-face business, Mumbrella asks a variety of PR leaders just how they are approaching the situation and what it means for the future of the industry and their businesses. July 30, 2021 9:33 Coote What has been most apparent with the lockdown version two has been the human element. During the first lockdown the new remote work rhythms created a sense of novelty that got us through a tough time. Second time round, that novelty is now gone and our focus is on daily progress towards positive attitudes and forward progress with our clients. One initiative we have introduced is a fortnightly lunch and learn that we run for our team and our 50 odd clients across the group.