|May 17, 2021 at 4:38 PM EDT - Updated May 20 at 5:49 AM GARDEN CITY, Ga. (WTOC) - UPDATE - Highway 21 is back open Thursday morning after emergency road work shut the major roadway down for two days. The section of road between Chatham Villa Drive and Brampton Road reopened more than 24 hours ahead of schedule. However, residents in the surrounding neighborhoods saidthe detoured traffic caused a lot of back-ups near their homes. A section of Highway 21 in Garden City will be closed for most of the week. Both the northbound and southbound lanes of Hwy 21 will be blocked between Chatham Villa Drive and Brampton Road as crews work on the railroad tracks. Southern Commercial Development, a contractor for CSX Railroad, notified the city of Garden City that emergency repair is needed on the tracks.