The Ketchikan City Council in a regular meeting Thursday voted to spend up to $10,000 to install portable toilets at the Ketchikan Port to serve community members in lieu of a previous proposal to open the Berth 3 restrooms for the summer season, which would have necessitated an expenditure of about $75,000 to pay two employees to monitor them. The vote was 5-2, with council members Mark Flora and Sam Bergeron voting against the motion. Due to technical issues, the conversation during that portion of the meeting was inaudible, but according to a text message from Council Member Dave Kiffer post-meeting, the idea is to allow the public to use the Ketchikan Visitorâs Bureau restrooms as well as the portable toilets planned to be placed on Berth 3 this summer. The Berth 3 restroom facility would be opened intermittently when the smaller cruise ships visit the Port.