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Popular places for fall foliage in the Great Smoky Mountains
Popular places for fall foliage in the Great Smoky Mountains
Popular places for fall foliage in the Great Smoky Mountains
Color changes usually start in mid-September in the higher elevations. The mid to lower elevations peak around mid-October to early November.
Related Keywords
Sevier County ,
Tennessee ,
United States ,
Foothills Parkway ,
North Carolina ,
Mount Leconte ,
Ecades ,
Sutton Ridge ,
Look Rock ,
Roaring Fork ,
Cades Cove ,
Blount County ,
Newfound Gap ,
Clingmans Dome ,
Great Smoky Mountains ,
Great Smoky ,
Cosby Campground ,
Cosby Self Guiding Nature Trail ,
Lower Mount Cammerer Trail ,
Fork Motor Nature ,