Pope's Health Forum Parades New Age Gurus Celebrity speakers push Hindu meditation, COVID-19 vaccines, abortion Barf Alert Ping 04/18/2021 10:05:20 AM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.) ebb tide Someday this Pope will do something...or say something...that agrees with what the nuns taught me during 10.5 years of catholic schools in the 50s and 60s. 04/18/2021 10:06:48 AM PDT by Gay State Conservative (Trump: "They're After You. I'm Just In The Way") ebb tide The Vatican has become the same as the mainline Protestants (ECUSA PCUSA ELCA UCC etc). No different from New Age Unitarians. Catholics, I am picking on the current regime in the Vatican, this is not broad brush Catholic bashing. These actions are an assault on the whole of Christianity by the Devil.