January 22 - 24, Pontine Theatre presents the third production of it's 2020-21Season. Geppetto: Extraordinary Extremeties, is created and performed by New York City's Concrete Temple Theatre. In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, this event will be available to view and enjoy online only. Shows are scheduled for Friday @7pm, Saturday @3pm and Sunday @2pm. Tickets are $27 and may be purchased online: www.pontine.org The hour-long solo play focuses on a longing for magic, a wish for a transformative power that could kindle life where it is lacking. Geppetto: Extraordinary Extremities is written and directed by Renee Philippi and designed and performed by Carlo Adinolfi, artistic directors of Concrete Temple Theater. The New York Times says, "Mr. Adinolfi gives a compelling performance, enhanced by haunting cello music composed by Lewis Flinn."