Pokemon Go Beldum Incense Day: Everything You Need to Know ✖ Pokemon Go is having a special event today focused on Beldum. From 11 AM to 5 PM local time, Pokemon Go is hosting an Incense Day, an event that features specific Pokemon appearing when players use Incense. This Incense Day is focused on Beldum, a Steel/Psychic-type Pokemon that evolves into the psuedo-Legendary Pokemon Metagross. Not only will Beldum appeared in increased number during the event, any Metang evolved into Metagross will know the move Meteor Mash, a move previously limited to Community Day events and the January Hoenn Celebration event. The event will rotate between two different groups of Pokemon every hour, each of which share a type with Beldum. Steel-type Pokemon featured in the event include Beldum, Alolan Diglett, Magnemite, Aron, and Bronzor and Shieldon, while Psychic-type Pokemon featured in the event include Beldum, Natu, Girafarig, Meditite, Baltoy and Munna. The schedule for the event is as follows: