Sanjay Raut and Varsha Raut (file photo) MUMBAI: Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut’s wife Varsha repaid a Rs 55 lakh friendly loan she had taken from a bank scam accused’s wife soon after the Enforcement Directorate summoned her to seek an explanation, sources in the agency said. The interest-free loan was taken a decade ago. On Monday, she submitted documents to the ED through a relative, showing loan repayment from funds generated from the film ‘Thackeray’ penned by her husband. Varsha was one of the producers of the movie. Sanjay Raut was unavailable for comment. The ED, investigating money laundering case in the PMC Bank-HDIL loan scam, had issued her four summons from November last year, but she had failed to present herself before the officials. On December 29, she had sought time till January 5. She appeared before the ED on January 4.