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Player ratings: Nottingham Forest u21s 0-0 Manchester United
Player ratings: Nottingham Forest u21s 0-0 Manchester United
Player ratings: Nottingham Forest u21s 0-0 Manchester United u21s - Man United News And Transfer News
Player ratings for Manchester United u21s draw with Nottingham Forest thanks to heroics from Elyh Harrison.
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Jacob Devaney ,
Sam Mather ,
Altay Bayindir ,
Gabriele Biancheri ,
Finley Mcallister ,
Sonny Aljofree ,
Jack Kingdon ,
Charlie Mcneill ,
Jaydan Kamason ,
Ruben Curley ,
Ateef Konat ,
Ethan Williams ,
Elyh Harrison ,
Rhys Bennett ,
Detlaf Esapa Osong ,
James Scanlon ,
Sam Murray ,
Nottingham Forest ,