Pikitup Overview PIKITUP is the City's official waste management service provider and as such it is responsible for keeping the city clean and preserving an attractive and hygienic environment for residents and visitors. Pikitup services the entire 1 625km² that is Johannesburg, collecting and disposing of 1,4 million tons of domestic waste generated by the city's 3,2 million citizens every year. It also offers commercial services to some 17 000 businesses in the city. The utility cleans and sweeps approximately 9 000 kilometres of streets within Joburg's seven regions. Littering alone costs Johannesburg R74-million a year while illegal dumping costs another R80-million. The company owns 12 waste management depots strategically located throughout the city, 33 garden refuse sites, four landfill sites and one incinerator. All its landfill sites comply with permit requirements and are licensed by the national Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.