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Physics - Mineral Candidates for Planet Interiors : comparem
Physics - Mineral Candidates for Planet Interiors : comparem
Physics - Mineral Candidates for Planet Interiors
Computer simulations uncover new high-pressure minerals that may explain the origin of Earth’s water and of Uranus’ and Neptune’s magnetic fields.
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China ,
Zurich ,
Züsz ,
Switzerland ,
Azur ,
Aquitaine ,
France ,
Jian Sun ,
Guizhou ,
Xiao Dong ,
Guangdong ,
Nanjing ,
Jiangsu ,
Michael Schirber ,
Tristan Guillot ,
Nankai University ,
University Of Zurich ,
Emoji Smileys People ,
Nanjing University ,
Azur Observatory ,
Ravit Helled ,
Corresponding Editor ,