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Phuket authorities tout greater than ever Heroines Festival
Phuket authorities tout greater than ever Heroines Festival
Phuket authorities tout greater than ever Heroines Festival
PHUKET: The annual Heroines Festival in Phuket this year will be bigger and greater than ever, featuring a reworked historical show and famous Thai actresses performing the roles of Thao Thepkrasattri
Related Keywords
Thalang ,
Phuket ,
Thailand ,
Thai ,
Wichayanee Piaklin ,
Thao Thepkrasattri ,
Rewat Areerob ,
Rong Ngeng ,
Thao Srisoonthorn ,
Amnuay Phinsuwan ,
Sujira Arunpipat ,
Phuket Provincial Administrative Organisation ,
Vice Governor ,
Victory Field ,
Heroines Thao Thepkrasattri ,
Nui Sujira Arunpipat ,
Governor Amnuay ,
Phuket News ,
Authorities ,
Tout ,
Greater ,
Than ,
Fever ,
Heroines ,
Festival ,