PH leading world in recognizing IPs: NCIP :

PH leading world in recognizing IPs: NCIP

(File photo) MANILA - The National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) said the Philippines is leading the world in terms of recognizing and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples (IPs). This was reported by Lawyer Norberto "Jong" Navarro, Ethnographic Commissioner of the NCIP, during the virtual press conference of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) on Wednesday in celebration of Indigenous People's Month this October. Navarro said this achievement was made possible through the creation of NCIP which is mandated to implement the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act or the IPRA Law and promote IPs' rights "in their own perspective" and over their "ancestral domain". The NCIP made processes and validations of all IPs' claims easy to implement, Navarro explained, as shown by the 43 policy guidelines issued by the Commission that are responsive to the needs of every IP community. To date, NCIP has already identified 948 IP communities located and living in roughly 13 million hectares of land, 27 percent of which were already given land titles estimated to be 5.8 million hectares of land. "Wala akong alam na ibang bansa na nakagawa nito," Navarro said, noting that even the United States had only "reserved" lands for their own IPs. Navarro said besides the cultural celebration, the country is also commemorating the 24th year of the signing of the IPRA with this year's theme: "Ang Paglalakbay ng mga Katutubong Mamamayan para sa Tunay na Pagkilala, Paggalang at Sariling Pamamahala." "Hindi lang kulay at saya ng kultura ang ating dapat ise-celebrate ngayong buwan ng Indigenous Peoples o ng Katutubong Pilipino, ngunit pati na din ang adbokasiya sa kanilang pagkilala at gayun din ang pagprotekta sa kanila (We should not only celebrate the color and joy of culture this month of IPs or the Indigenous Filipinos, but also their advocacy for their recognition and also the protection of them)," Navarro said. "Dapat po natin itong pag-ingatan, sapagkat ito ay nagbibigay ng kulay sa Pilipinas, sa kulturang Pilipino. Ito ay pagpapahalaga, hindi lang sa katutubo lalo na sa lahat ng Pilipino (We should take care of it, because it gives color to the Philippines, to Filipino culture. This is an appreciation, not only to the indigenous people but to all Filipinos)," he added. Through the NCIP, the IPs are being assisted and empowered to have their own representation and air their concerns in every government program and project affecting their communities. These are now 5,006 IP Mandatory Representatives (IPMRs) in the local government councils across the country, the official said. "We're talking here of barangays, municipal and even city levels," Navarro said, pointing to the "empowerment" given to IPs by the Filipino people to help advance their interests. "Kapag may ancestral domain o significant ang number ng IPs, kailangan may IP representation diyan sa (If there is ancestral domain or a significant number of IPs, there should be IP representation in the) community. That is a big accomplishment (of the NCIP), imagine the direct influence of the IPs in the policies and programs of every local government unit (LGU) and these are not chosen in the general elections but are chosen by the IPs themselves," he said. The NCIP also reported that there are 235 organized IP Cooperatives, 32,094 IPs assisted through its Educational Assistance Program, 51 given with Merit-based scholarships, 143 Memorandum of Understanding signed with other government agencies and civil society organizations (CSOs) aimed at advancing the rights of the IPs, and 975 projects implemented for IPs across the country. Navarro said during the 20th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held last April, the NCIP through its Chairperson, Secretary Allen Capuyan, emphasized the importance of the Permanent Forum as a platform for exchanging views and developing partnerships with IPs especially during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The NCIP official added that the NCIP will continue to create programs and review its guidelines to strengthen the protection and promotion of the rights of the IPs, especially from exploitative groups such as the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army-National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF). Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Council of Elders (MIPCEL) Datu Bawan Jacob Lanes, from the Mandaya, Manobo Tribe in Monkayo, Compostela Valley explained the exploitation of IPs by the CPP-NPA-NDF in their terrorist activities. Lanes said the Communist Terrorist Groups (CTGs) are using the IP communities and their ancestral domain to supplant traditional leaders, establish a stable base of operations, corrupt IPs traditional culture, recruit the IPs in their armed group, the NPAs, and obtain international funding. Lanes also said the IP tribes and their lands are essential to the CPP-NPA-NDF because, primarily, they can use it as a sanctuary for NPA building because of its remoteness from the center of development of LGUs. The NPA recruit the IPs effortlessly because IPs are looking for alternatives to their current estate and with their illiteracy and ignorance, IPs can be easily swayed by NPA propaganda. Also, the NPA can use the location of IPs as a mobility corridor - an escape route to another province or region. These areas are environmentally suited or a favorable terrain for guerilla warfare. "Ibig sabihin palitan ang mga tradisyonal na lider at palitan ng mga kanilang rebolusyonaryong lider na kontrolado nila at sinisira din nila ang kultura ng tribo upang ito ay iderekta sa armadong pakikibaka (It means change the traditional leader and change their revolutionary leaders who control them and also destroys the tribes' culture to dictate them the armed struggle)," Lane said. "Sa mga ancestral domains din nila tinatayo ang kanilang mga stable base areas, at dito sila nagpapalakas vertically, mula sa maliit na unit o squad size hanggang mapalaki nila ito sa platoon (They builds stable base areas in the ancestral domains where they or battalion size strengthen vertically from small unit to platoon) or battalion size," he added. (PR) }

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Manila , Philippines , United States , Compostela Valley , Compostela Valley Province , The Philippines , Filipinos , Filipino , Allen Capuyan , Sariling Pamamahala , Katutubong Mamamayan , Ang Paglalakbay , Norberto Jong Navarro , Katutubong Pilipino , National Democratic Front , Educational Assistance Program , People Army , Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Council Of Elders , National Commission On Indigenous People , Session Of The Permanent Forum On Indigenous , Party Of The Philippines , Permanent Forum , National Commission , Indigenous People , Lawyer Norberto , Ethnographic Commissioner , National Task Force , End Local Communist Armed Conflict , Indigenous Peoples Rights Act , Indigenous Peoples , Indigenous Filipinos , Indigenous Issues , Secretary Allen Capuyan , Communist Party , Philippines New People , Army National Democratic Front , Executive Director , Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Council , Datu Bawan Jacob Lanes , Manobo Tribe , Communist Terrorist Groups , Ile Photo Manila The National Commission On Indigenous People Ncip Said Philippines Is Leading World In Terms Of Recognizing And Protecting Rights Peoples Ips This Was Reported By Lawyer Norberto Quot Jong Navarro , Thnographic Commissioner Of The Ncip , Uring The Virtual Press Conference Of National Task Force To End Local Communist Armed Conflict Ntf Elcac On Wednesday In Celebration Indigenous People 39s Month This October Navarro Said Achievement Was Made Possible Through Creation Ncip Which Is Mandated Implement Peoples Rights Act Or Ipra Law And Promote Ips 39 Quot Their Own Perspective Over Ancestral Domain Processes Validations All Claims Easy , Navarro Explained , S Shown By The 43 Policy Guidelines Issued Commission That Are Responsive To Needs Of Every Ip Community Date , Cip Has Already Identified 948 Ip Communities Located And Living In Roughly 13 Million Hectares Of Land , 7 Percent Of Which Were Already Given Land Titles Estimated To Be 5 8 Million Hectares Quot Wala Akong Alam Na Ibang Bansa Nakagawa Nito , Uot Navarro Said , Oting That Even The United States Had Only Quot Reserved Lands For Their Own Ips Navarro Said Besides Cultural Celebration , He Country Is Also Commemorating The 24th Year Of Signing Ipra With This 39s Theme Quot Ang Paglalakbay Ng Mga Katutubong Mamamayan Para Sa Tunay Na Pagkilala , Aggalang At Sariling Pamamahala Quot Hindi Lang Kulay Saya Ng Kultura Ang Ating Dapat Ise Celebrate Ngayong Buwan Indigenous Peopleso Katutubong Pilipino , Gunit Pati Na Din Ang Adbokasiya Sa Kanilang Pagkilala At Gayun Pagprotekta Kanila We Should Not Only Celebrate The Color And Joy Of Culture This Month Ips Or Indigenous Filipinos , Ut Also Their Advocacy For Recognition And The Protection Of Them , Uot Navarro Said Quot Dapat Po Natin Itong Pag Ingatan , Apagkat Ito Ay Nagbibigay Ng Kulay Sa Pilipinas , A Kulturang Pilipino Ito Ay Pagpapahalaga , Indi Lang Sa Katutubo Lalo Na Lahat Ng Pilipino We Should Take Care Of It , Ecause It Gives Color To The Philippines , O Filipino Culture This Is An Appreciation , Ot Only To The Indigenous People But All Filipinos , Uot He Added Through The Ncip , He Ips Are Being Assisted And Empowered To Have Their Own Representation Air Concerns In Every Government Program Project Affecting Communities These Now 5 , 006 Ip Mandatory Representatives Ipmrs In The Local Government Councils Across Country , He Official Said Quot We 39 Re Talking Here Of Barangays , Unicipal And Even City Levels , Ointing To The Quot Empowerment Given Ips By Filipino People Help Advance Their Interests Kapag May Ancestral Domaino Significant Ang Number Ng , Ailangan May Ip Representation Diyan Sa If There Is Ancestral Domain Ora Significant Number Of Ips , Here Should Be Ip Representation In The Community That Isa Big Accomplishment Of Ncip , Magine The Direct Influence Of Ips In Policies And Programs Every Local Government Unit Lgu These Are Not Chosen General Elections But By Themselves , Uot He Said The Ncip Also Reported That There Are 235 Organized Ip Cooperatives , 2 , 094 Ips Assisted Through Its Educational Assistance Program , 1 Given With Merit Based Scholarships , 43 Memorandum Of Understanding Signed With Other Government Agencies And Civil Society Organizations Csos Aimed At Advancing The Rights Ips , Nd 975 Projects Implemented For Ips Across The Country Navarro Said During 20th Session Of Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues Held Last April , He Ncip Through Its Chairperson , Mphasized The Importance Of Permanent Forum Asa Platform For Exchanging Views And Developing Partnerships With Ips Especially During Covid 19 Pandemic Ncip Official Added That Will Continue To Create Programs Review Its Guidelines Strengthen Protection Promotion Rights , Specially From Exploitative Groups Such As The Communist Party Of Philippines New People 39s Army National Democratic Front Cpp Npa Ndf Meanwhile , He Executive Director Of The Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Council Elders Mipcel Datu Bawan Jacob Lanes , Rom The Mandaya , Anobo Tribe In Monkayo , Ompostela Valley Explained The Exploitation Of Ips By Cpp Npa Ndf In Their Terrorist Activities Lanes Said Communist Groups Ctgs Are Using Ip Communities And Ancestral Domain To Supplant Traditional Leaders , Stablisha Stable Base Of Operations , Orrupt Ips Traditional Culture , Ecruit The Ips In Their Armed Group , He Npas , Nd Obtain International Funding Lanes Also Said The Ip Tribes And Their Lands Are Essential To Cpp Npa Ndf Because , Primarily , Hey Can Use It Asa Sanctuary For Npa Building Because Of Its Remoteness From The Center Development Lgus Recruit Ips Effortlessly Are Looking Alternatives To Their Current Estate And With Illiteracy Ignorance , Ps Can Be Easily Swayed By Npa Propaganda Also , He Npa Can Use The Location Of Ips Asa Mobility Corridor An Escape Route To Another Province Or Region These Areas Are Environmentally Suited Ora Favorable Terrain For Guerilla Warfare Quot Ibig Sabihin Palitan Ang Mga Tradisyonal Na Lider At Ng Kanilang Rebolusyonaryong Kontrolado Nila Sinisira Din Kultura Tribo Upang Ito Ay Iderekta Sa Armadong Pakikibaka It Means Change Traditional Leader And Their Revolutionary Leaders Who Control Them Also Destroys Tribes 39 Culture Dictate Armed Struggle , Uot Lane Said Quot Sa Mga Ancestral Domains Din Nila Tinatayo Ang Kanilang Stable Base Areas , T Dito Sila Nagpapalakas Vertically , Ula Sa Maliit Na Unito Squad Size Hanggang Mapalaki Nila Ito Platoon They Builds Stable Base Areas In The Ancestral Domains Where Or Battalion Strengthen Vertically From Small Unit To , Uot He Added Pr ,

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