IPOH: The state government will allocate RM2.38mil to help the B40 group affected by the enhanced movement control order. In a statement issued by the Perak Mentri Besar‘s office, it said RM1.2mil would be channelled to the four districts in the state under the enhanced MCO through the Land and District Office (PDT). The four districts that come under the enhanced MCO are Hulu Perak district (Mukim Pengkalan Hulu), Larut, Matang and Selama districts (Mukim Taiping), Kinta district (Mukim Hulu Kinta covering Ipoh, Lahat, Chemor and Tanjung Rambutan) and Muallim district (Mukim Hulu Bernam Timur). For the first two districts - Kinta, as well as the Larut, Matang and Selama offices - would receive RM400,000 respectively.