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Penobscot Bay Singers present 'A Child's Christmas in Wales'
Penobscot Bay Singers present 'A Child's Christmas in Wales'
Penobscot Bay Singers present 'A Child's Christmas in Wales'
The Penobscot Bay Singers present “A Child’s Christmas in Wales,” a celebration of narration and song for the holiday season. Dylan Thomas wrote this anecdotal retelling of Christmas from a child’s perspective for the BBC radio in the 1950s. The...
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Belfast ,
United Kingdom ,
Steinway Hall ,
Dylan Thomas ,
Richard Dostie ,
Searsport First Congregational Church ,
Church St ,
Court St ,
Assisi Church ,
Penobscot Bay Singers ,
Deirdre Good ,
Pen Bay Singers ,
Penobscot Bay ,
Penobscot Bay Singers Presenta Childs Christmas In Wales ,
Culture ,
Usic ,