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Pennsylvania Bills Would Expand NatGas Service in Heart of M
Pennsylvania Bills Would Expand NatGas Service in Heart of M
Pennsylvania Bills Would Expand NatGas Service in Heart of Marcellus
A pair of bills designed to tap "affordable natural gas in the MarcellusShale" and bring gas service to more consumers in Pennsylvania has been approved by the state's Senate and moved to the House of Representatives for consideration.
Related Keywords
Pennsylvania ,
United States ,
Bradford County ,
Energy Investment ,
Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggir Chester ,
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission ,
Commonwealth Financing Authority ,
Natural Gas Consumer Access Act ,
Shale Daily ,
House Environmental Resources ,
Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi ,
Gene Yaw ,
Rural Pennsylvania ,
Marcellus Shale ,
Alternative Energy Investment Act ,
Dominion Transmission ,