"So this is the guy everyone is talking about. The fighter. The hipster. The philosopher. The dreamer. "Two weeks on from becoming the first ever Irishman to win a fight in UFC, and picking up a €60,000 knockout bonus on that Stockholm night in the process, McGregor is heading for McDonald's. That's where he always treated himself to a coffee long before he made it and while so much has suddenly changed, he's determined to limit how much he will allow himself to change." - Ewan MacKenna, Irish Examiner, April 20 2013 Poor Conor McGregor . . . I'm talking figuratively, obviously, because he'd anchored the yacht in Monaco that morning, feasted on toast with avocado for breakfast and wiped his bottom with 32-count quilted roll, but I digress. There he was during the fourth stage of the Tour de France on a glorious September afternoon in the Alpe-Maritimes: