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Part 2 of Alexei Yarotsky's memoir of the early Soviet Union
Part 2 of Alexei Yarotsky's memoir of the early Soviet Union
Part 2 of Alexei Yarotsky's memoir of the early Soviet Union and the Stalinist Great Terror: "Golden Kolyma"
The Soviet engineer's memoirs of the October Revolution, the Civil War and the Great Terror were written in the 1970s.
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Russia ,
Moscow ,
Moskva ,
Germany ,
Slovak Republic ,
Yavno ,
Zhytomyrs Ka Oblast ,
Ukraine ,
China ,
Prague ,
Praha ,
Hlavníesto ,
Czech Republic ,
Poland ,
Butyrki ,
Tverskaya Oblast ,
Spain ,
Warsaw ,
L67 ,
Polish ,
Russian ,
Czechoslovakia ,
Soviet ,
German ,
Alexander Voronsky ,
Nina Malygina ,
Ivan Isaev ,
John Reed ,
Kolyma Zolotaya ,
Tatiana Isaeva ,
Vadim Rogovin ,
Nikita Khrushchev ,
Galina Voronskaya ,
Varlam Shalamov ,
Xxth Congress ,
Bolshevik Party ,
Fourth International ,
International Committee Of The Fourth ,
Red Army ,
Party Congresses ,
Zolotaya Kolyma ,
Transport Ministry ,
Soviet Union ,
Old Bolsheviks ,
Great Terror ,
Left Oppositionists ,
Polish Jew ,
Great Depression ,
October Revolution ,
Communist Party ,
Left Opposition ,
Russian History ,
Warsaw Pact ,
Prague Spring ,
Rejecting Trotsky ,
Eastern Europe ,
International Committee ,
Stalinism ,
Soviet History ,
Camps ,
Halamov ,
Toronsky ,
Arotsky ,