A medieval word meaning compensation as well as solace, comfort and an injection of energy. The oddly titled stimulus package, issued in three parts, to assist business owners stricken by government-mandated closures to curb infection. The irony of Pietro Metastasio’s lyrics in his opera libretto Demetrio was not lost on the many restaurateurs affected: Tu non mi fai risolvere, / Speranza lusinghiera; / Sei l’ultima a morir. / No, dell’altrui tormento / No, che non sei ristoro; / Ma servi d’alimento / Al credulo desir. (You help me not to resolve / Flattering hope / You were the first to be born / You are the last to die / No, torment of others / No, you are no comfort / But help to nourish / credulous desire.) Many took matters into their own hands, pivoting to takeaway and home deliveries, with the guaranteed pittance that provides.