Daily Times April 19, 2021 A certain political scientist, a writer of 700-page ideologicalpolemic against Jinnah trying unsuccessfully to disprove Ayesha Jalal’s thesis in her book The Sole Spokesman, has been bent uponlabelling the creation of Pakistan as a British conspiracy and Jinnah as their collaborator. Many have resorted to this slander against Jinnah without any supporting evidences even before. It takes us back to Majlis-e-Ahrar-e-Islam (known in short as Ahrar), Khaksar Tehreek (established by Allama Mashriqi in 1931) and other Islamist religious movements in the 1940s who were fearful of Jinnah’s ascendancy as a modern Muslim leader of the Muslims of South Asia. In these movements, the bigoted Congress backed fundamentalist and sectarian Ahrarthat had special ire directed atJinnah because he repeatedly refused to declare Ahmadis Non-Muslims. The said political scientist’s animus towards Jinnah is also exacerbated becausethe good doctor is the son of a famous Majlis leader who believes that having Zafrullah Khan,a leading Ahmadi, (who wrote Lahore Resolution), as his right-hand man was Jinnah’s biggest crime.