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Pair's commitment to Landa Park in New Braunfels celebrated
Pair's commitment to Landa Park in New Braunfels celebrated
Pair's commitment to Landa Park in New Braunfels celebrated | Community Alert
Rosemarie Leissner Gregory and Arlene Krueger Seales — with the help of longtime locals — wrote a book five years in the making about Landa Park’s rich story. Now both
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Germany ,
United States ,
Braunfels ,
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Rosemarie Leissner Gregory ,
Harry Landa ,
Tim Barker ,
Arlene Krueger Seales ,
Braunfels Park Foundation ,
Landa Park ,
Historic Landa Park ,
Braunfel Historic Landa Park ,
Its Springs ,
Its People ,
Rusty Brockman ,
New Braunfels Park Foundation ,
New Braunfels Parks ,
Prince Carl ,
Native American ,
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