Paediatrics/CIPHER Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) MISSION: Optimize clinical management and delivery of services to infants, children and adolescents affected by HIV in resource-limited settings. Despite notable progress in reducing vertical transmission of HIV, the paediatric population remains significantly disadvantaged regarding access to treatment, with only 43% of children in need receiving treatment in 2016. As the HIV epidemic matures, there is a growing population of adolescents living with HIV; in recent years, this particularly vulnerable group has seen a 50% increase in AIDS-related mortality compared with a decrease of 30% globally. These populations face unique challenges, which the Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) is committed to placing firmly on the global public health agenda. CIPHER works through a capacity-building approach, supporting the development of young investigators and building the evidence base in low-and-middle-income countries.