Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Hays County Emergency Services Director Mike Jones announced in Tuesday’s commissioners court meeting that 25,334 Hays County residents have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Of the 25,334, 15,000 were vaccinated by Hays County. The remainder were vaccinated by registering in other counties. Hays County’s vaccine clinic has continued to distribute second doses; around 829 each day this week at their clinic in Wimberley. Next week they will head back to the Performing Arts Center in Kyle. The commissioners moved to set aside $15,000 from contingencies for expenses related to vaccine programs including feeding volunteers and additional supplies of syringes, needles and band-aids. The county has received some such supplies from the state, but Director of Countywide Operations Tammy Crumley said sometimes they are not receiving enough supplies or they are not adequate.