Out of the past April 30, 1896 Avery Hatfield, an employee at the Sidney Electric plant, has been transferred to the plant at Troy. Perry Cyphers, who had charge of trimming the lamps here, has taken Hatfield’s position, and Bert Buckey has taken Cyphers old position. ——— Ambrose Wirtz and his father-in-law, Joseph Meyer, of Ottawa, have formed a partnership to publish the Shelby County “Anzeiger”. Mr. Wirtz will continue as editor of the paper and Mr. Meyer will act as manager and solicitor. 100 years April 30, 1921 At a meeting of the Republican Executive Committee last evening, Dr. Arthur Silver was endorsed for the appointment as a member of the Shelby County Board of Pension Examiners to succeed Dr. M.F. Hussey. The appointment will soon be made by the new administration.