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Our View: Memorial ceremonies move us to learn history : com
Our View: Memorial ceremonies move us to learn history
Each year in July, Guam pauses to remember the bravery, sacrifice and ingenuity of those who endured the wartime invasion, occupation and liberation of Guam.
Related Keywords
Guam ,
Tiyan ,
Okinawa ,
Japan ,
United States ,
Japanese ,
American ,
Japanese Army ,
San Dimas Church ,
Marine Field Service Depot ,
Naval Base Cemetery ,
Mangilao Memorial ,
Asan Memorial Landing ,
Asan Memorial Beach ,
Sumay Memorial ,
Naval Base ,
Chagui An Massacre ,
Ceremony ,
Arine Field Service Depot Memorial ,
Memorial Services ,
Manenggon Memorial ,
Imperial Japanese Army ,
K Aring Laguak Memorial ,
World War Ii ,
Attle Of Guam ,