‘Motors and Mimosas Car Show’ a Perfect Event Coming to Palisade I’m not sure a more perfect event has ever been planned. Whoever thought up the idea of the Welcome to Summer – ‘Motors and Mimosas Car Show’ that is planned to take place in Palisade is a genius. So, make sure you put the event on your calendar now as the date is set for Saturday, June 12 th. The event will take place at Red Fox Cellars at 695 36 Road in Palisade running from 9:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. We all know that many ladies love to start their Saturday morning with a nice mimosa and anytime you have a chance to put guys around motor vehicles that is a recipe for success. That’s why I think this idea is going to be such a hit. While beautiful vehicles and delicious beverages are enough to jump-start a tremendous weekend there will be more going on than just that.