An Exceptional Discovery With No Parallel "A large ceremonial chariot with four wheels, along with its iron components, beautiful bronze and tin decorations, mineralized wood remains and imprints of organic materials (from the ropes to the remains of floral decoration), has been discovered almost intact," said a statement from the Pompeii archaeological park. They call the find an "exceptional discovery" that has "no parallel in Italy thus far," owing to its excellent preservation state. The excavation site where the Roman chariot was found is known as the Civita Giuliana, a villa in the suburbs located only a few hundred meters from the heart of Pompeii, then a bustling city and a key location in the Roman empire. This Roman chariot discovery is the latest in an excavation program by the local authorities to combat illegal activities in the historic site. These activities include tunnel digging to find artifacts - without government permission - that can be sold on the black market.