Price: Rs 999 In such circumstances, Born a Muslim: Some Truths About Islam in India, becomes required reading. Cogent, comprehensive, courageous—and all the more moving for that—it reveals how the Indian Muslims, like blacks in the US, have become victims of structural discrimination. The author, Ghazala Wahab, an expert on homeland security, is a well-regarded journalist and executive editor of FORCE magazine. She traces the historical roots of Islam from seventh century Arabia and its arrival in the subcontinent, through multiple pathways that also influenced its evolution. Internal divisions within the faith are explored. These and other disruptions have left the 200 million Indian Muslims caught in a bind between the ‘socio-political discrimination that they face at the hands of both lawmaking and law-enforcing authorities, which often manifests as physical and mental violence’ and ‘the vicious cycle perpetuated by illiteracy, poverty and the disproportionate influence of the mullahs on the community.’ Indeed, the strongest feature of the book is the detailed unflinching self-examination of the community and the range of contradictory emotions it experiences, ‘from fear to defiance, from sadness to anger, and from parochialism to self-preservation’.