this thread too! What most Americans don't understand: The Palestine-Israeli conflict is no longer the issue it once was in the Sunni Arab world. The "Arab Street" is not emotionally invested in it like it was even ten years ago. The most important issue for them (and us) is containing Iran. — A New Radical Centrism (@a_centrism) May 15, 2021 by artappraiser on Sat, 05/15/2021 - 9:04pm Anshel Pfeffer אנשיל פפר @AnshelPfeffer · 18h Replying to @AnshelPfeffer I’ve yet to see real evidence Netanyahu somehow engineered these dual crises in Gaza and between Jews and Arabs in Israel but it’s a direct result of his policies. He inherited in 2009 the previous government policy’s of blockading Gaza but in 12 years did nothing to change it.>