Optty Adds 50th Buy Now, Pay Later to Integration Platform f

Optty Adds 50th Buy Now, Pay Later to Integration Platform for Retailers

ShopBack's new BNPL feature in Malaysia and Singapore is the latest to join Optty's growing BNPL ecosystem that reaches hundreds of millions of potential customers SINGAPORE, Aug. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --Optty, the world's first independent Buy Now, Pay Later integration platform, today announced that it has added ShopBack PayLater to its BNPL integration platform for retailers. As recently announced, ShopBack, Asia-Pacific's leading shopping, and rewards platform, which acquired BNPL hoolah in late 2021, has launched ShopBack PayLater in Malaysia, Singapore, and most recently Thailand. This integration marks the 50th provider to join Optty's growing ecosystem of BNPL and digital payments services. ShopBack serves more than 35 million shoppers across the Asia-Pacific and, in 2021, drove more than 450 million shopping trips to merchant partners. Integrated with Optty, ShopBack's recently launched BNPL offering powered by hoolah, called ShopBack PayLater, will be offered to all participating merchants in its service area of Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand as an option through the Optty Retail Control Centre. "Joining Optty is a great opportunity for us because we want retailers to be able to choose Shopback's BNPL service as quickly, easily, and rapidly as possible," said Hamish Moline, Managing Director, Financial Services, ShopBack. "We recognize that retailers need to offer their customers, not just one, but multiple choices for digital payment. Being available on the Optty platform gives us the ability to be part of what is quickly proving to be a powerful engine for BNPL adoption." Research shows that retailers offering multiple BNPLs and digital payment options can significantly increase sales. Retailers around the globe using Optty for BNPL integration now have access to 50 BNPLs. When combined, these reach an estimated total of hundreds of millions of customers. "Offering multiple BNPLs not only helps retailers to create customer loyalty through added choice, but it also helps them to understand market trends better and improve customer experience," Optty CEO Natasha Zurnamer said. "Our data shows that nearly a third of shoppers are initiating more than one BNPL on each visit - with some trying up to 3 or 4 BNPLs before making a final decision. And for retailers, we consistently see a significant boost in sales when they offer multiple BNPLs." Optty retail customer City Beach used Optty to add extra BNPL providers to its check-out experience and has seen an immediate uptake of the new payment methods by its customer base. "Today's shoppers want to have options when it comes to how and when to pay," said Rhian Greenway, Chief Information Officer, City Beach. "Optty has made it possible for us to very easily, quickly, and simply turn on more BNPLs, and as a result, exponentially expand our customer base. This new technology platform has proven to be an immediate revenue accelerator and a direct line to creating a better experience for our customers." Optty brings together the world's BNPL providers in one simple and rapid integration platform. Retailers can connect using their preferred e-commerce platform, integrate once, and switch on the BNPL and next gen payment providers of their choice in minutes. The platform currently has 200 global integrations with 50 BNPL solutions, including Afterpay, Affirm, Atome, Grab, Klarna, Scalapay, and ShopBack PayLater. ShopBack PayLater is available in Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Retailers that join Optty can sign up for all three markets throughOptty. About Optty Optty is the world's first platform to integrate the most popular BNPL technologies in a single place, giving merchants the ability to offer more choice to consumers. Optty is a global organization that provides retailers with a direct channel to dozens of the top global BNPL providers, offering faster connections and improved managed UX and performance like nowhere else. For more information, visitOptty and follow us onLinkedIn. About ShopBack The ShopBack Group is Asia-Pacific's leading shopping and rewards platform, serving over 35 million shoppers across ten markets. ShopBack was founded in 2014 and today, ShopBackers across the region continue to win over shoppers by constantly upping their game - be it rewards or meaningful experiences - such that shoppers can achieve a personal victory every time they use ShopBack. The Group powers over US$3.5 billion in annual sales for over 10,000 online and in-store merchant partners. In 2022, ShopBack launched ShopBack Pay and PayLater, extending the platform's offerings into financial services, providing shoppers responsible and convenient payment options at checkout. SOURCE Optty

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Malaysia , Thailand , Singapore , Natasha Zurnamer , Hamish Moline , Shopback Paylater , Rhian Greenway , Shopback Group Is Asia Pacific , Financial Services , Buy Now , Pay Later , Back Paylater , Managing Director , Chief Information Officer , Shopback Group , Shopback Pay , Shopback 39s New Bnpl Feature In Malaysia And Singapore Is The Latest To Join Optty Growing Ecosystem That Reaches Hundreds Of Millions Potential Customers , Aug 17 , 022 Prnewswire Optty , He World 39s First Independent Buy Now , Ay Later Integration Platform , Oday Announced That It Has Added Shopback Paylater To Its Bnpl Integration Platform For Retailers As Recently , Shopback , Sia Pacific 39s Leading Shopping , Nd Rewards Platform , Hich Acquired Bnpl Hoolah In Late 2021 , As Launched Shopback Paylater In Malaysia , Nd Most Recently Thailand This Integration Marks The 50th Provider To Join Optty 39s Growing Ecosystem Of Bnpl And Digital Payments Services Shopback Serves More Than 35 Million Shoppers Across Asia Pacific , Pon 2021 , Rove More Than 450 Million Shopping Trips To Merchant Partners Integrated With Optty , Hopback 39s Recently Launched Bnpl Offering Powered By Hoolah , Alled Shopback Paylater , Ill Be Offered To All Participating Merchants In Its Service Area Of Malaysia , Nd Thailand As An Option Through The Optty Retail Control Centre Quot Joining Isa Great Opportunity For Us Because We Want Retailers To Be Able Choose Shopback 39s Bnpl Service Quickly , Easily , Nd Rapidly As Possible , Uot Said Hamish Moline , Hopback Quot We Recognize That Retailers Need To Offer Their Customers , Not Just One , Ut Multiple Choices For Digital Payment Being Available On The Optty Platform Gives Us Ability To Be Part Of What Is Quickly Proving Bea Powerful Engine Bnpl Adoption Quot Research Shows That Retailers Offering Bnpls And Options Can Significantly Increase Sales Around Globe Using Integration Now Have Access 50 When Combined , Hese Reach An Estimated Total Of Hundreds Millions Customers Quot Offering Multiple Bnpls Not Only Helps Retailers To Create Customer Loyalty Through Added Choice , Ut It Also Helps Them To Understand Market Trends Better And Improve Customer Experience , Uot Optty Ceo Natasha Zurnamer Said Quot Our Data Shows That Nearlya Third Of Shoppers Are Initiating More Than One Bnpl On Each Visit With Some Trying Up To 3 Or 4 Bnpls Before Makinga Final Decision And For Retailers , E Consistently Seea Significant Boost In Sales When They Offer Multiple Bnpls Quot Optty Retail Customer City Beach Used To Add Extra Bnpl Providers Its Check Out Experience And Has Seen An Immediate Uptake Of The New Payment Methods By Base Today 39s Shoppers Want Have Options It Comes How Pay , Uot Said Rhian Greenway , Ity Beach Quot Optty Has Made It Possible For Us To Very Easily , Quickly , Nd Simply Turn On More Bnpls , Nd Asa Result , Xponentially Expand Our Customer Base This New Technology Platform Has Proven To Be An Immediate Revenue Accelerator Anda Direct Line Creatinga Better Experience For Customers Quot Optty Brings Together The World 39s Bnpl Providers In One Simple And Rapid Integration Retailers Can Connect Using Their Preferrede Commerce , Integrate Once , Nd Switch On The Bnpl And Next Gen Payment Providers Of Their Choice In Minutes Platform Currently Has 200 Global Integrations With 50 Solutions , Ncluding Afterpay , Ffirm , Otome , Rab , Klarna , Scalapay , Nd Shopback Paylater Is Available In Malaysia , Nd Thailand Retailers That Join Optty Can Sign Up For All Three Markets Throughoptty About Is The World 39s First Platform To Integrate Most Popular Bnpl Technologies Ina Single Place , Iving Merchants The Ability To Offer More Choice Consumers Optty Isa Global Organization That Provides Retailers Witha Direct Channel Dozens Of Top Bnpl Providers , Ffering Faster Connections And Improved Managed Ux Performance Like Nowhere Else For More Information , Isitoptty And Follow Us Onlinkedin About Shopback The Group Is Asia Pacific 39s Leading Shopping Rewards Platform , Erving Over 35 Million Shoppers Across Ten Markets Shopback Was Founded In 2014 And Today , Hopbackers Across The Region Continue To Win Over Shoppers By Constantly Upping Their Game Be It Rewards Or Meaningful Experiences Such That Can Achievea Personal Victory Every Time They Use Shopback Group Powers Us 3 5 Billion In Annual Sales For 10 , 000 Online And In Store Merchant Partners 2022 , Hopback Launched Shopback Pay And Paylater , Xtending The Platform 39s Offerings Into Financial Services , Roviding Shoppers Responsible And Convenient Payment Options At Checkout Source Optty ,

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