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OPINION: What it would mean for the Alaska Long Trail to be
OPINION: What it would mean for the Alaska Long Trail to be
OPINION: What it would mean for the Alaska Long Trail to be a National Scenic Trail
Besides offering a competitive economic benefit from increased worldwide recognition, National Scenic Trails receive federal funding for maintenance and administration.
Related Keywords
Chugach ,
Alaska ,
United States ,
Ceska ,
Iditarod ,
Talkeetna Mountains ,
Richardj Murphy ,
National Park Service ,
Bureau Of Land Management ,
Eska Falls ,
Chugach Range ,
Alaska Long Trail ,
Land Management ,
National Scenic Trail ,
Scenic Trails ,
National Trails System Act ,
National Scenic Trails ,
Pacific Crest Trail ,
Continental Divide Trail ,
Iditarod National Historic Trail ,
Chilkoot Trail ,
National Park ,
National Trails System ,