Opinion/Letters: Defending clean energy; keep the pipeline open; dangerous partisan divide The Providence Journal Renewable energy is the future Like clockwork, whenever a proposal is made to reduce pollution, Michael Stenhouse writes to tell us that clean economy initiatives are too costly. This time, Mr. Stenhouse is targeting a regional plan to reduce transportation emissions ("Conservative group criticizes transportation climate plan," News, Jan. 27). Popular Searches While the merits of Mr. Stenhouse's assertion could be debated, that would be a waste of time. It wouldn't matter a whit what Mr. Stenhouse or climate-control advocates would say about their positions. That's because this debate is settled. American industries are going all in for a clean economy. Auto manufacturers are introducing scores of electric models. Shell Oil has just announced that it will build thousands of electric charging stations, and land and off-shore wind farms are sprouting up faster than Nebraska corn.