AP Photo/Lynne Sladky National Review Online has absolutely — and possibly irrecoverably — gone off the deep end. First, it was Jonah Goldberg, who at one time, I considered a pretty decent author, writing witty yet thoughtful political articles suitable for advancing conservative thought. Since the arrival of Donald J. Trump on the political scene, however, his never-Trump affliction appears to have infected his writing…to the point that he is downright unreadable. Well, folks, it now appears he has company. What’s worse is that his new wingman has manifested such a profound disrespect for 75 million Americans, that he really should change employers and go work for a publication and party whose platform aligns more with that attitude. Perhaps the Democrat National Committee and their propaganda arms, CNN, NBC, CNBC, and NRO (did I miss anyone?) would hire him. After all, they like to use terms like