(PRNewsfoto/onX) MISSOULA, Mont., Dec. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- onX, a pioneer in outdoor digital navigation, today announced its acquisition of Adventure Projects, Inc., a network of websites and mobile apps featuring thousands of outdoor experiences that contributors have brought to life with guide-book details, imagery, trail conditions, and other content. onX creates GPS mapping technology that helps inform, inspire, and empower millions of outdoor recreationists. Through its digital products and advocacy projects that expand public access opportunities, onX has promoted the enjoyment of our outdoor landscapes for more than a decade. "Our mission is to awaken the adventurer in everyone," said onX VP of Product Management, Chris Hamilton. "We look forward to supporting Adventure Projects' unrivaled and passionate community. Their outdoor guides have inspired millions of climbers, hikers, skiers, trail runners, and bikers alike. Our goal is to help everyone have the best outdoor experience possible by arming them with technology to discover and explore new places, safely and confidently."