The launch date of January 11 was previously tipped in a leak and it is also expected to be priced around Rs 2,499 in India. The OnePlus Band could feature a 1.1-inch AMOLED touchscreen with 5ATM certification making it resistant to dust and water. The fitness band is expected to arrive in three colours, Black, Navy and Tangerine Gray and weighs 22.6 grams. It is also equipped with SpO2 blood-oxygen saturation monitor, optical heart rate sensor and more. The OnePlus Band will offer 14-day battery life from its 100mAh battery. The companion app for the OnePlus Band is called OnePlus Health and it was recently released on the Play Store. The app will serve as the dashboard for all OnePlus wearables going forward and is expected to let users keep a track of their sleep, heart rate and fitness along with providing reports based on the analysis.