The world has experienced dramatic improvements in health over the past decades. Thanks to economic growth, poverty reduction and the spread of technology, including new medicines and vaccines, premature mortality had declined steadily in all regions of the world. The pace of progress has however slowed down after 2010 and the poorest segments of societies have continued to lag behind in terms of both health outcomes and access to services. The COVID 19 pandemic has exacerbated this trend, sometimes even leading to reversal in progress. The COVID19 pandemic also shed light on country, regional and global weaknesses related to lack of investments in health systems and institutions. In many ways the COVID19 crisis has been a preview of challenges to come as human health is being increasingly threatened by the profound changes in our ecosystems, due to climate’ change, biodiversity loss, pollutions, microbial resistance and other environmental threats. The COVID19 crisis has particularly highlighted the interconnections between systems for health including health, food, water, energy, and ecosystems, alerting all of us on the emerging challenges linked to interaction between human health and nature.Time has come to re-evaluate our approach to health systems, moving beyond the UHC agenda towards a holistic approach bringing together the sustainability and the equity agenda, rethinking our investments in health systems and our approach to service delivery and financing for health.A three-pronged agenda for action has been emerging from the lessons learned from the crisis:One Health/Planetary Health: the need to invest in a One Sustainable Health developing public health institutions and programs that are fit for 21st century, as a foundation to epidemic/ pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.Green and resilient systems: the necessary investments in Zero emission and climate resilient health infrastructure and supply chains.Adaptive Social Protection: the critical need to invest now in social protection systems that identify climate and health vulnerability and build the financial instruments and systems for societies to adapt to climate change.The One Sustainable Health ForumFrance is committed to the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement and supports strategies and programs that pursue the double objective of environmental sustainability and equity. France supports global health programs at the nexus of green transition and social justice. It supports both mitigation and adaptation climate programs that ensure equity. This includes support to the One Health High Level Panel Quadripartite (OHHLP), support to the Just Energy transition (JET announced at Cop 26), and commitment to adaptative social protection through the Global Shield.The One Sustainable Health forum was launched in July 2021 in Lyon, bringing together more than fifty European and global professional and civil society organizations working on a holistic approach to heath, taking into account human, animal and environmental health. Over the past two years the forum organized several webinars and conferences to promote a holistic approach to health, bridging human, animal and environmental health. It constituted a cross disciplinary network of experts collaborating through 6 permanent International Working Groups (IWG), integrating the concepts of concepts of One Sustainable Health/Planetary Health with the 2030 SDGs into a single operational approach.The thematic 6 IWG were launched on July 7th, 2021, in Lyon (France) and their objective is to contribute to progress towards a country based operational OSH approach to be integrated in actions, projects and programs implemented by public, non-governmental and private organizations.The OHS Forum is supported by the One Sustainable Health Foundation created on September 1st, 2022, in Lyon under the aegis of the Bullukian Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to foster dialogue and support projects bringing together public and private’ stakeholders working on a One Sustainable Health approach for All.ObjectivesThe “One Sustainable Health For All” global conference will take place in Lyon on July 5-7th 2023. The event will bring together experts, civil society and public sector organizations to take stock of country progress and experience in shaping health systems to respond to the twin objective of sustainability and equity of access. The objectives of the July 2023 conference in Lyon will encompass:Producing and disseminating state of the art knowledge and good practice on the challenges that climate change and other environmental threats pose to health systems. The conference will bring together a community of multi and transdisciplinary experts on health systems and climate. Seven International Working Group OSH Forum have been established to analyze current and future challenges and produce operational recommendations to tackle the challenges related to health systems, climate and other environmental threats to health.Bringing together partners and organizations, both private and public, to rethink the future of health systems through a holistic approach addressing both mitigation and adaptation issues, within a holistic framework where human health is addressed within the broader framework of One Health. The One Sustainable Health approach addresses both human and animal health and ecosystems with the objective to build 21st century health systems which will contribute to the 2030 SDGs and beyond.Promote health promotion and prevention policies and support a new movement to address 21st century global health challenges, as part of a new “health equity and the environment” nexus.Support the emergence of a community of experts and organizations committed to a holistic approach to one sustainable health for all, promoting both sustainability and equity, and connecting learning and capacity building at both local and international level.More information